Monday, July 09, 2007

The Sweetest Things

I was just thinking about the things Olivia does and how happy they make me! She can be the sweetest little bean around sometimes! So, just a few minutes ago she woke up from her nap and was fussing so I went in to put her back down. When she saw me she was still squeeling, but gave me such a sweet smile! I love it when Mommy saves the day and she's so happy to see me! Some other things I love are these... 1. When you chase her she looks back SOO excited and always has a big grin on her face. Then she crawls as fast as she can! It's sooo cute! 2. She tilts her head to look at things of interest. I think it's the funniest thing! The other day she kept tilting her head around Emma to look at her pony tail. It just looks so funny when she does it! 3. Lately she thinks that SHE can entertain us with peekaboo. She hides behind wall and crawls out with a big smile and giggles. We always act surprised and she thinks it's SO funny! I love it! 4. I love her little tounge! She somehow twists it when she's excited now. It's a Peterson trait I think. She's always had an infamous tounge!
Now... for the sake of remembering I'll blog about the things that sometimes make me want to SCREAM! 1. When she won't hold still for diaper changes. My goodness... it's the age of roll and crawl as fast as you can! I HATE it when she's poopy and does this... because she always ends up sitting as soon as she's gotten away! EW! Although... the other day when Brett was changing her she got away naked so he just let her run naked for a little bit. Not 1 minute later she had crawled up the stairs, was standing there and PEEING all over the carpet! It was funny, but kinda gross! Hahaha, she's always making me laugh! 2. I HATE it when she scratches me! She is always grabbing for something on my face and ends up putting scratches all over me! It HURTS!Then today she wacked me in the nose with her bottle.. What a pill! 3. This one is for Brett. When Livie is sleeping in our bed (which is everday after 5:30 am) she always manages to nuzzle up behind Brett's back so he can't move! He gets so mad that he can't move anywhere. I think it's cute though! I wish she snuggled up with me...but she doesn't! Only Daddy!


Anonymous said...

I miss little Livie so much! I bet when I see her again she'll be walking all over the place. I remember holding that little peanut the day she was born. Your right the tongue is hilarious. I have a bunch of pics of Olivia sticking her tongue out at me. She's growing up way too fast! Maybe it's time for another little Peterson!

Vonda said...

Just think, all these memories good and bad are part of who she is and the good definately outweigh the bad. You are doing a great job as a mom, Sarah. She is a cutie.


Sarah I wish I knew Olivia!!! She sounds so funny. I love the tilting her head- like she's thinking about whatever she's looking at- haha- It is so funny to me that you are a mom. I can't wait to see it in action. You know so much more than me and have been through so much I have never experienced! You sound like such a wonderful mother, i mean that- you just sound so patient sweet and loving. I love you!