Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Nice Teeth Olivia! hahahaha

Livie and Grandma Pete.. We went to Brett's Grandparents 70th Wedding Anniversary! Yowsa!


Karen K. said...

Why does it look like she has "TEETH" ??? You'd better start saving for the orthodontist. Ha ha.

Karen K. said...
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Karen K. said...

Sorry, I hit "enter" and then I must've done the submit comment thing too. Is there any way I can remove double comments???

By the way I love the pic with Brett and Grandma Pete. I love Liv's expression. That's probably how she'll look at your Dad and me when we get there too!

Sarah Peterson said...

I deleted it for you Ma. I don't know why she has teeth, just happened to get a funny angle. It cracked me up, she looks like a little chipmunk!


Hahah- I forgot that we did that! That is so funny about Hogi Yogi! I remember the last bite was always a question in my head "should I let sarah have the last bite...or should i just eat it." hahhaha. I'm so glad you reminded me of that! OK- so I read the website- YOWSATIOUS! I didn't know that! I figured it'd be the same fatness as chocolate chip cookies. Well....I guess it won't be a regular, but at least now I'm not going to feel bad purchasing it. Ok- the cow things you were telling me about...are they really that good? Would eating those everyday, be less fat than eating chocolate chip cookies everyday? I love you! I wish you lived here! And- Livies teeth...ha- I thought that was real at first- I
'm like what???? I love you!


Oh yeah- also- didn't we pay extra to have extra recesspeanut butter cups? hahah I think we did. Probably when it was my turn to pay- because it was worth it to me! ha!


So I just purchased the skinny cow things you were talking about- but I found the same thing in "Klondike" or whatever that's called brand- that is cheaper. They are good! I was really happy! I had a talk with my mom about calories and fat, and had her teach me all that stuff, I bet you never thought you'd hear me talk like this! But the time has come my friend! I love you and miss you! Do you eat anything else that's low in calories ect that's yummy?

Karen K. said...

Sarah, for the sake of her Grammy, will you please put up a new pic of Olivia. You're right, she looks like a chipmunk! I love the bottom one though!