Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Head Bands

So after 3 bald girls you think I would be a head band specialist. Well, I am not, and I still have yet to master the cute bows/flowers. The BIGGEST problem is that we have an elastic that fits, but a few months later they no longer fit! It is sooo frustrating! We have tried the nylon, regular elastic, specialty elastic, and bra extender things so I can adjust it. None of the above worked well. Well, I have FINALLY found something great! I found THIS elastic on Etsy, and it is simply amazing. It comes in lots of colors, and it is SO stretchy! So perfect! I am excited to make a lot of headbands that she won't outgrow too soon!! And a bonus- it is so stretchy and doesn't hurt her head, she even leaves them on sometimes! SCORE!

'D' is for Dinosaurs

Today was the first time pre school was at our house! It went quite well, and to my surprise we didn't have ENOUGH time to do everything in the 2 hours. We sang songs, ate snacks, played a dino tracks game, and made a dinosaur with green paper and clothespin spikes on his back. They are a wonderful group of children that are all pretty well behaved, mellow, and obedient! I love this group of kids! Not to mention they are all SO stinking cute! Looks like it will be a good year!