Friday, July 20, 2007


Olivia from Sarisker and Vimeo.
This is how Olivia entertains us at dinner time. Peekaboo... and then making out with her play pen! hehe!

Well, I am going to complain... I was trying hard not to, but I can't take it anymore. I have been so sick all week long and it's making me so mad! First I had a REALLY bad sore throat (the kind where you can't swallow without making a funny face or crying because it hurts so bad). It lasted for 5 days... when it was going away I thought I was getting better, but NO! I only developed OTHER symptoms! Now I have a bad headache, very congested, and have a cough. I thought this was bad... but it doesn't end there! This morning I woke up with Olivia's pink eye that SHE just got over. So, I'm using the rest of her eye drops for myself. I'm just SICK of being sick! It just won't seem to go away. Okay, I'm done complaining now!


Scott said...

Sarah, have you been to the doctor? are you running a fever?
do you feel weak? You ought to get checked out. yikes. sure doesn't sound very fun at all.

Sarah Peterson said...

I did have a low fever, and I actually have been weak ( I thought Livie got really heavy all of a sudden) I just didn't think all this was serious enough to go to the doctors... but maybe I should, I don't want Liv or Brett to get it

Karen K. said...

If your sore throat is gone you probably don't have strep but you might. Dad went to the doctor (with the same symptoms) and he did NOT have strep. The doctor gave him antibiotics just in case things got worse on vacation and because he was coughing up so much stuff he took them. Didn't make any difference so he obviously didn't have a bacterial infection! Anyway, Ronda says you should try gargle with hot salt water with a 1/2 tsp of vinegar (lots of salt). I'm sure you'll do that...I know how much you love vinegar!

I'm sorry you feel so lousy. Seriously, try to keep Livie and Brett from getting it. The cough is the worst, it just doesn't go away! Have you gotten any Nyquil caps or Dayquil caps at Costco? That might help.

I'm sorry we made you sick...I'm sure it was your Dad. Darn him. I really thought he was past being contagious since he's had it for nearly 3-4 weeks now in one form or another (it's never gone away).

I hope you feel better soon!!! I love you.

Karen K. said... the eyedrops sting a lot or was Livs just faking it?

Alisha said...

drink lots of water too!!! if your cough is phlemy you need to loosen it up and spit it out. yes, looges. it's much better than swollowing it. also, don't touch your eye!!! wash all your sheets and don't re-use anything, especially towels.

Alisha said...

btw, that video crackes me up. livie is so funny!!

Mom and Dad Pete said...

I'm sorry that you are so sick-here's my opinion on the subj.-YOu really should go see a doc and then you will know that it is not strep.(Just for you peace-of-mind)(If it is strep, it can go into something worse, and is contgagious!) Usually if it hangs on, you might have some bacteria in there that you can't get rid of without antbiotics. Liv's eye drops might not be strong enough for you if you have a full-blown case.

Karen K. said...

Yep, I agree with the above comment. If you still feel awful on Monday go to the doctor! If you feel you need to go now or you get worse go sooner...I'm sure there's a doc on call. I think you might have what your Dad had plus what Livie had. Two illnesses in one. If so, that stinks!!!!!!!!

I wish everyone who sees the video could see how funny Olivia really looks when she sticks her face in the mesh of the playpen and mushes her face through the holes. It's even funnier in person. I miss her sweet little mushed up baby face!

Kristen P. said... you have a science experiment in your throat? I'd go to the DR. Sounds like what I had a few months ago and I needed a antibiotic. Yuck! I hope you feel better soon!!! It's no fun being a sick mom.

Tracey said...

I think I feel sick now too. You are passing your illness to everybody that reads your blog. Do you go to the same Doc you did when you were pregnant? I love that office. They'll get you in really fast. Bring Livie and they'll give her a quick check to see if she's doing ok too. What you need is a friend to take Liv for the day so you can just rest and get better. My kids and I usually pass things back and forth a couple of times before it's gone. I wish I were down the road to help. Take care.

Karen K. said...

Good idea! Take Liv with you so they can check her too. Sheesh, if you have strep let me know so I can go in! I felt really crummy again today too. I thought I was getting better earlier this evening and now I just don't want to swallow. I'm more congested than I was before though so it might be a post-nasal thing. Just let it end...right??? I prided myself on not being sick in two years and then I go and do it in JULY? Maybe we'll avoid it this winter!

Karen K. said...

BTW, I love the comment: "making out with her playpen"

Tammy said...

Love the video. Thanks for sharing it's so much fun to be able to share in your life. I hope you feel better. I think one of the hardest things ever is to be mom when your feeling so bad.

Roxy said...

THe comment from Tammy is from me. I was signed into my sisters blog to help her out and then forgot to sign out. I'm such a dork. I'll get this blogging thing eventually.