Friday, August 29, 2008

Our Lucky Day

It's a GIRL!

Well- I got really lucky and happened to be talking to a lady at church telling my sad sad story about not knowing the sex of the baby.. Anyway- she said "well, I can do it for you!" She is an ultra-sound tech at an OBGYN office, and offered to do it when her shift was over. What a sweet lady. So- it all worked out and we didn't have to end up paying $150 to do a mall ultra-sound. How LUCKY!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Olivia today

here's our flowers outside. It is finally looking pretty and now we are moving. Aah, that's the way it works, right?

the present truck is here! What could it be!?

it was boxes! Woo Hoo! Boxes to pack our stuff in.
Where is Olivia?

Peek-a-Boo! There she is!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Just so you know

That last blog was NOT a cry or plea for more comments!! I feel really dumb how it was interpreted. I was honestly just saying how blessed I felt that I had so many friends! The comment part was just a random thought I had as I was writing it..But anyways...

Thursday, August 21, 2008


So- sometimes I really feel like I don't know many people and I have but only a few friends... through blogging I realize I know A LOT of people, old ward members, friends from High-school, neighbors, co-workers, old roommates,etc. My links list is up to 45 friends and family! That just honestly amazes me... I never realized... Just think, if EVERY one just made one comment.. I'd have a lot of comments!! ;)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

On a side note...

We sold our home unexpectedly a few days ago. If all the inspections/appraisal stuff goes through we will be moving in about 1 month.We actually took our house off the listings and that is when we got an offer... So, as surprised as we are, it is good. We won't be moving far- just a little closer to Brett's work. It's crazy! I don't want to move!!!

Olivia's 2nd Birthday

Olivia had her Birthday last Friday the 15th. She turned 2! We had a small party for her on Saturday and she LOVED opening gifts and having friends over. She is quite the little 2 year old- we LOVE her so much!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Latest Pictures

These pictures are from the last Dr's appointment/ultra sound

Olivia sitting next to some of her favorite friends!

Livies had her hair in a little bow tuft thing on the top of her head- she looked pretty funny when she took it out!!

Friday, August 08, 2008

And the winner is...

A boy?

A girl?

Now, I just know some of you are so excited to know with all the guessing going on. Unfortunately we STILL don't know! Apparently the umbilical cord was in between the babies legs. Yeah, so our very dissapointing 5 minute ultra sound had to have been the biggest let-down we've had in awhile. The Doctor seemed to have no concern that we didn't know the sex. He said "oh, don't worry we'll have another ultra-sound in about 3 visits from now." Are you KIDDING ME!? I will be 8 months prego and almost ready to have the baby... if I'm gonna wait that long I might as well do it the old fashoined way and just wait till it pops out to know! I was VERY frustrated to say the least. I think I was most upset because with our past ultra-sounds (with Olivia) they printed out pictures, showed us the hands, and took atleast 15 minutes to let us watch the baby and find out the sex. Our doctor did NONE of the above. He pretty much took measurments, and looked for the sex for a total of 20 seconds and decided he couldn't tell. I'm not sure what we're going to do now... Do we pay to do an ultra-sound at the mall? Do we just wait until it's born? I don't know... We don't even have the classic ultra-sound pictures to show. What a bummer.

p.s. The good news- the baby is alive and seems to be doing fine. Oh, and there is just ONE! It measured 3 days smaller then my due-date. (good good- hopefully that means it won't come Christmas day!)

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Just modeling