Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Baby Names

Just for the record, and for fun I thought I'd write a post about naming the baby. We have had such a hard time coming up with a name. I think we are down to the finals though. Every child wants to know what there name COULD have been, so this is why I write. Baby #3, you have been called MANY different things so far ;)
Claire calls you "Baby Haas" (pronounced like "ha ha he he" type of Ha)
Olivia would like to name you after one of her friends like "McKenna" or "Myah" She changes her mind often though, she has also liked the names Cynthia and Maria
Daddy would like to name you Alexis, or Katelyn
I would have liked to name you Addalyn
The other many names that we have considered were:

But in the end I think the final names that we are considering are:
Emma Kate Peterson or
Ava Camille Peterson
Unless of course we decide on something else entirely last minute ;)

Summer Fun

Olivia was SO proud to ride a horse. Claire rode for a minute before she decided it was too scary. Liv even rode without me standing next to her. What a brave girl ;)

I've been trying to pack in as much fun and activities as I can handle this summer before the baby comes. The girls have gotten to do lots of fun things. Today we went to Kangaroo Zoo (a place where they have lots of bounce houses), we have also gone to a farm (2 times), we've gone swimming a few times and Liv has taken swim lessons. She really learned a lot in her 2 week course. They have also played in the backyard nearly every day. Half the time they turn on the hose and end up in the kitty pool. They are LOVING the new play set. It took awhile for them to get used to it, but now they love to play out there all day. We've also been up to the canyons a few times, and had a lot of backyard BBQ's. Olivia is getting so tan and Claire is still as white as me. It is weird since BOTH of them get sunscreen. Livie obviously doesn't have my coloring ;) And you may think "poor Claire" but she has the most beautiful porcelain skin, so it's not so bad. Even if she does burn within a minute of being in the sunshine ;) They are both having a great summer. Claire has switched to a big girl bed. She was doing great... things are rather questionable the last few nights though. We will over come the sleepless nights though... some day.

Friday, July 08, 2011

First Maternity Photos (32 weeks)

This is my 3rd baby, but it's my very first time taking maternity photos! In the past Brett has snapped a few here and there, but I generally would end up deleting them thinking I looked horrible! When all is said and done, I always felt a little sad that I didn't have any photos of my big belly. My children would never know what their mother looked like pregnant. Sad... So, I asked my friend Jamie to take some pictures! She did a fabulous job! Although I am so astonished at how large my belly looks, it is great to have some beautiful photos. Thank you soo much Jamie!!

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Visit from Grandparents

at the balloon festival at 6 am. Can you tell Liv is NOT a morning person!? She would not get dressed in descent clothes, and she kept saying she needed someone to hold her. Luckily, she was fine later ;)

Gramma 'K' and Grandpa 'K' came to visit over the 4th of July weekend. We were busy with lots of activities. We threw a surprise baby shower for my sister Emma in our back yard, we woke up early on a Saturday to watch hot air balloons lift off in Provo, we had a BBQ and fireworks out in our cul-d-sac (how are you supposed to write that!?) and while my parents and Em and Francisco watched stadium of fire- from the actual stadium, our family watched the fireworks from a near-by park. It was a busy week-end, but we had lots of fun.
Being 8 months pregnant, I thought I may not be able to do much, but I actually felt pretty good. I had contractions all afternoon on Saturday and that was no fun, I was also napping like every day trying to feel rested, but it seems no matter how much I rest I still feel tired. As for names, we are still at a loss. I know people think we are being secretive, or not wanting to tell our "list" but honestly it seems that the list changes every few days. Brett and I can not agree on any name. I feel like I have a few favorites, but apparently Brett is not "feeling it". And the names that are his favorite, well, I guess I'm just not into right now. They are fine names... just not for MY daughter!