Saturday, July 07, 2007


So, as I said before Olivia has mastered the straw drinking. She can do it from a regular straw too! Impressive! I was talking to my neighbor who's a speach therapist and she said it's much better for children to drink out of straws rather then sippy cups. She says with sippy cups you can develope a tounge thrust, which can cause speach problems. So... anyway... that's that! I just thought it was interesting!



This will sound really dorky- but I think kids drinking out of sippy cups are really cute- and when I went to california i loved it when Tanner drank from one- and I remember thinking, "I can't wait for my kids to have sippy cups!" ha- I know dorky- but NOW- I won't- which really sucks, cause I just think their cute. I don't know why. Very interesting Sarah, Love you!

Sarah Peterson said...

Amy- They CAN drink out of a sippy cup... she just said it wasn't good if that was the ONLY type of cups they drank out of. So, as long as it switched up it shouldn't be a big deal at all!

Anonymous said...

Yay for Olivia! How grown up of her!


Sarah- I love you so much! I miss you- I wish we lived by eachother! I couldn't imagine waking up 4 times in the night to crying- I know you are an amazing mother- ha- that is funny about the treats- I know- mike worries too. hhahaha- and to think we're holding back! hhaahahah