Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Love'n' my cousin

we've got matching hats!

This is Olivia and her black cousin Jillian! just kiddin... Some day Livie will get a tan like her cousin!

Grandpa with cousins on Vimeo


Karen K. said...

They're so cute together! I love how they're clasping arms. I'm jealous of grandpa too. Smile Livie smile! How did they get matching hats? And you keep Miss Livie outta that sun, ya hear? She's a gorgeous little pale baby! :) :) :) :)

Sarah Peterson said...

ofcourse Livie will stay white.. theres really no hope. I bought them matching hats. Too bad I forgot that Jillian lives in HOT Arizona! She doesn't need any hats! oh-well

Valerie said...

Rachel asks, "Are those twins?" When I told her no, she said, "Oh, they're just meeting?" I wish we were meeting them both!