Saturday, November 18, 2006

First BYU Football Game

Olivia being carried to the game in her sling

a look inside the sling... so cozy!

Daddy and Livie watching the game (or maybe just licking her sweater)

Mommy and Livie sitting and not really watching the game but still having fun!

Olivia was so tired after her outing, finally some peace and quiet!

Olivia went to her very first BYU football game today. She seemed to enjoy it I suppose as much as a baby could enjoy a game. She was quite startled every time the crowd busrt into cheers. I pretty much covered her ears for most of the game so she could sleep. She did very well and didn't cry or make too much of a fuss. What a good little baby!


Karen K. said...

She almost looks like she's going to start playing her harmonica in the second picture! And the tongue. That sweater must taste good. It's the one Ronda got her. I knew it was in good TASTE!

Scott said...

Brett, way to indoctrinate her early into the BYU football scene. Welcome to the team, 'Livie.