Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Olivia saw real snow for the first time today! It snowed before but just fake snows- the kind that melts before you even get outside... Today we have around 6 inches and it's still snowing! My sister Emily claims she is "not excited" for the snow, but how could you not love it!? It's so beautiful and white and clean! I suppose it's only fun to look at and play in... not do every day things in. But, oh-well! Morgan needs to come down so she can go 'fork skiing' in it- maybe we'll try that today ;)


nettie said...


Sarah Peterson said...

if you don't know what fork skiing is just check Jeff and Netties blog- theres a link to it under my links- for anyone else wondering what it is ;)

Valerie said...

I love Olivia's matching hat and sweater. What a cutie! I'm not ready for snow yet...