Thursday, November 30, 2006

Oprah Show

So, I never did get to watch the Oprah show talking about "baby language" which I was kinda upset about... but I realized online they had a clip of the video! It's very cool. They show what babies cries mean and so far Olivia makes the cries and they are exactly right! It's a little hard to distinguish cries, but it's better than not knowing at all, right!? Here's a link... Oprah Video

Update on Olivia... we are going to the Doctors tonight, she should be fine!


Valerie said...

I had a neighbor who sent me the link to that Oprah show! James thinks it's a joke, but I'm always trying to distinguish the cries now. I even have Seth onboard...he'll tell me "nah means she's hungry". It's very cute.

Good luck at the doctor! It'll probably be viral and you didn't need to worry, but peace of mind is sometimes worth the trip there.

Sarah Peterson said...

so do you think you can tell what she wants better? Livies only cried once now since I've sceen it and it was the "I'm tired" cry, and it REALLY was! It was very cool!

Karen K. said...

I got to watch the show so I don't know if the video on the website goes into detail or not, but the reason that all babies make the same sounds is because the sounds they make are like a reflex action (sort of like when the doctor hits below your knee with that little hammer thing). The 'neh' sound comes from where the tongue is in the mouth when they're starting that sucking reflex...cuz they want to eat! I think it's the most fascinating thing I've heard in a long time and it made total sense. If you get a chance to see the entire show when it 're-runs' I encourage it. If I remember right it's baby's up to about three months (give or take) that make these sounds. I'm so glad Livie is better and that she's able to sleep. Even with her rash she looks happy in the pics below. I love how you hold on to her little hands. I've noticed that a lot in your pics and videos. Love you all...