Thursday, November 09, 2006

Strong Looong Legs

Olivia's long legs. Wooee nice legs Livie!

Olivia STANDING in her bouncer seat! Doesn't she know it's to sit in!?


Valerie said...

Those are some LONG legs! Is Olivia off the charts for her height? It sure looks like it! What a cutie.

Karen K. said...

She is so precious. I always like to enlarge the pics so I can see her facial expressions better. Her expression in the bottom photo reminds me of you in some of your younger photos--that 'I'm not sure about something' or 'I'm not sure about you' look. Cute cute cute.

Sarah Peterson said...

she's only in the 75th persentile for height- she must be all legs! In her ultra sound pictures they did say her legs measured for like 8 monther when she was only a 6 mother (or something like that... I can't remember too well- they were just long!)