Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Olivia can talk!

Livie Talk on Vimeo

Olivia loves to talk to me. She's just started this probably a week or so ago. In this clip shes not too happy. She was tired. She really is quite the happy girl though when shes not tired or hugry. Even then she usually doesn't cry she just makes her noises- similar to the noises made in the video. She does have her moments when she bursts out in loud cries though. I don't like it- it always breaks my heart. ;)(if you notice the song in the background- Brett always sings it to her and changes the lyrics from "come on girl let you hair down" to "come on girl let your hair grow!"


Karen K. said...

She looks as if she's trying so hard to do what you're doing and talk! I love the little noises she makes! Keep up the videos! XOXOXO