Sunday, November 05, 2006

Our weekend

Trying to get the cousins together for a picture... didn't work out so well!
Jeff, Nettie, and Morgan came to visit yesterday. We had lots of fun. Morgan is co cute!

Olivia and I had a photo-shoot outside. Didn't come out with too many good pictures though! oh-well! She's wearing the first dress I ever bought her (I got it right after the first ultra-sound saying it was a girl!)


Karen K. said...

Poor Olivia. She looks miserable in the top photo! With her little clenched fists and her head down she appears to be thinking or saying (?) "no! no! no!" (but I'm not sure about what,) Maybe she's thinking "I wish she'd straighten me up...I'm having trouble breathing."

Is she asleep in that photo? I know she holds her head up pretty well so I'm wondering if she was really tired or asleep.

Morgan looks cute and full of energy!

The photo shoot photos are precious. I like the one of you kissing her. She looks so content. I also like the one with the mountains in the background. I am just so envious of those mountains around you. They're so grand!