Monday, November 20, 2006

Off to Arizona

We'll be leaving to Arizona early tomorrow morning for Thanksgiving. It should be fun. We're very excited to get to see Jillian. There probably won't be any blogs tomorrow due to traveling. Hopefully Olivia does well in the car. It's quite the long trip...


Alisha said...

i love those eyes!!! i hope she does well in the car!! brett said she isn't feeling good :( she too cute to be sick!

Sarah Peterson said...

yes, she has got a little cold- we'll have to keep her away from Jillian so she doesn't catch it! It's very sad to watch her breathe all heavy because she's so stuffed up... Poor girl.

Karen K. said...

She looks happy even though I can tell by her little eyes that she doesn't feel good. Her hair is growing! (Keep singing Brett...) It looks reddish in the picture, is it? Or is it just the coloring in the photo? Sweet, sweet girl. I can't wait to hold her again.