Thursday, November 30, 2006

Little Sickling

Livie showing off her rash (it's not too obvious in the picture, it's worse then it looks!)

Olivia has been sick for a week and 3 days now... Today it seems a little better, but she has a new symptom! She has a rash all over her neck, chest, and tummy. Last night she was VERY cranky and wouldn't eat or sleep. I'm not sure what's up with her. I thought maybe she was teething early because shes eating her hands and drooling like crazy... but I don't know. She's congested, has a rash, and is irritable. So... I'm not sure what to do. Should I call the doctor, or just wait for it to pass? I put lotion on her rash last night but I think it made it worse! I have given her tylenol for babies and a side effect it said was dangerous was a rash- I just don't know what it is or what to do- if anyone has any advice I need it!

through it all she still manages to give me a few big grins!


Anonymous said...

beatifull family
Patricia from Argentina

Valerie said...


I'm always reluctant to take a child to the doctor, but I think I would take her in! Especially if it could be a reaction to medication, the doctor would want to know and document it on her charts...

But, it sounds like it could be roseola (not sure how to spell it). The child is sick first and then after the illness is almost over, they break out in a rash. At that point there's nothing that you can do really, and seeing a doctor wouldn't really do anything.

So, I'm contradicting myself, I know! It's always so hard to decide to go into the pediatrician! I hate going when you should've have worse than anything!

Kristen P. said...

I say take her to the doctor. I don't hesitate to take Sam. Because you just never know if it's serious or not. I hope she gets better soon.

nettie said...

I would call her dr...usually you can talk to the dr or his/her nurse...My first thought was roseola sounds viral and there isn't really anything you can do for viruses, except let them run their course.

Did you give her tylenol after her first round of shots?

Sarah Peterson said...

no, she never did get Tylenol after her shots.. but she has been getting it all week with her cold. I don't know much about reactions to medicine, but I would think she would've reacted sooner but I don't know much! Plus, the other symptoms I wouldn't know if she had because Olivia would have to tell me and she can't talk (according to me- not the Oprah show ;)