Friday, November 03, 2006

Hello, AGAIN!

Smiley Olivia on Vimeo

Okay, I know Ive posted one too many blogs today... Its not that I dont have things to do, I do. I just cant help it though. Ive finally figured out how to catch Olivia smiling- just hide the camera! She always STARES at it if I have it out. Well, the music doesnt quite match the video this time- but you get to hear the "let your hair grow" song. We really like it! For some reason I cant do apostrophies on here, weird!


Alisha said...

its killing me!! i cant wait to meet sweet olivia. good trick.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is getting. I looked at your post today while in Chiang Mai thailand and I can't believe how big she is getting. We are having a lot of fun and adjusting to life here. We are going north by bus tomorrow. Anyway I just wanted to say how adorable she is. Take care,