Saturday, August 19, 2006


Poor Olivia has Jaundice and so we are trying our best to give her sunlight. Our house faces the wrong way.. So it is rare to get sunlight in our windows which is what she needs. We have one window on the side that gets sun in the morning for a few hours, so hopefully that will be enough for now. She might get the special lights, but we won't know until the doctor calls us with the test results. It's Satrday though, so I'm not sure we will be getting a call until Monday, hopefully it's not too late. I'm sure she'll be fine until then though. I try not to worry :)


nettie said...

That does make you nervous...don't worry, if the lab results are high (dangerous level) they will call you right away.

Sarah Peterson said...

well, it turns out she is in the high low risk zone.. so I guess it's not high enough to get special lights. They say she should be fine and to just keep her in the light and feed lots. Oh goodness, she is getting a HUGE appetite. She demands food about every hour, and it takes her around an hour to feed! No wonder I get nothing done! It's a lot of fun though, even if all she wants to do is eat and sleep... for some reason I just love it!