Monday, August 14, 2006

Doctors Visit

Today we went in for our weekly visit, last week he was actually on vacation... so he was praying I wouldn't go into labor while he was gone.. I guess he counteracted Brett and I praying it would come NOW! He must be more spiritual ;) He said he had 4 women he thought would go into labor that week, but none of us did. Lucky lucky.Anyways, at the visit I measured about the same- 3 and a half cenimeters dialted and 70% affaced. He stripped my membranes, which basically just "stirs things up" and helps labor come sooner. He said I should have her any day now. If it hasn't happened by Friday, then on Friday at 8:30 am he will "get me started." I'm not sure what that means, but I'll be at the doctors office, not the hospital, so I think that means he will probably break my water. That's my guess. So, by Sunday we should definately have a baby! It is finally here.. Crazy! We can't wait!


Valerie said...

I'm so glad that your doctor will get things going for you on Friday! At least you have a date that you KNOW things will end! With two of my labors we started things with the help of the doctor, and it's amazing how quickly things progressed from there! I'll be thinking of you on Friday...but hoping that Olivia comes on her own before that! Good luck with everything!