Thursday, August 19, 2010

I have thought a lot about these days and the world we live in. Some times I have wondered if having too many children in a world like this is worth it. It is so scary to think of what the world/Satan can do with a precious soul. As scary as it is though- I can not imagine NOT having children. It brings more happiness, more learning, more living and more faith in good. The thought of having no baby brings tears to my eyes and hurts my heart more then I think I could possibly explain. I have been INCREDIBLY blessed to be able to have babies pretty much when ever I choose (so far). I do not take this blessing for granted. I think I am more thankful for this then most of my blessings.
What hurts the most is knowing that there are people out there who want, but can't have. I only have empathy for the hurt they must be going through. I have SOO many friends who have not been able to have children on their own. I am so thankful for adoption and some times random miracle children that just come. The latest story that has touched me I read HERE. Get out a tissue. It is touching.


Karen K. said...

Thank you for sharing that. I had my tissue ready and I needed it. You are right, it is scary to raise children in this world in which we now live. It was frightening to raise you, but as I watch what is happening in the world in which my grandchildren are growing up, I am sometimes fearful if I really think about the possibilities of evil around us. I try not to dwell on it though--just as I didn't dwell on it while you were growing up. Looking back at what has changed so quickly in the world, however, can give one cause for concern. There is so much ugliness and self-centeredness. There is a LOT of good though and that is just one reason we are here: to raise our children to be a light in the world and to be happy and help others find happiness along their way--like Gramma K's happiness! I'm always happiest when I'm around my kids and grandkiddos. I love you and I'm so glad you haven't struggled with child bearing issues. I feel for those who do. I truly do. I just cannot imagine that ache and my heart goes out to them. I wish more women would consider adoption instead of abortion... Blah Blah Blah. I've started my own blog post in your comments!

Jill said...

Sarah--this post was wonderful! It honestly said exactly what I feel. In fact, when Wade and I got married, I had wanted to put off having kids for as long as possible because I was so terrified of bringing innocent little children into this frightening world! Obviously God had different plans because I ended up pregnant--ON birth control!--less than 3 months after the wedding, so I had to overcome that fear. I was excited, of course, but so horrified by the idea of someone hurting my precious child in any way. Those fears still haunt me daily and I have to make myself not think about them. But I would NEVER choose to change a thing. God obviously knew what He was doing when He decided I was ready to be a mother, because I can't imagine loving anyone other than Him or Wade more that I adore these lovely little people!

That being said--I admire those who adopt and provide foster care more than anything. They are the most incredible people!!! I am fortunate--so far--to be able to "grow" my own babies, but I know that can change in a heart beat. Thank you for the link--I love Sheye Rosemeyer!!! I hadn't read her blog in months until now (for some reason?!)...

Sblogger said...

Good to get updated on your life! You have been busy with a lot of fun stuff this summer!

Dawn said...

I remembering having those feelings when I was pregnant with Alexyss and the twin towers were hit :-( I struggled thinking "I can't believe I am bringing another child into this crazy world." Now I can't imagine not having them and if I didn't have the job I do and the hours I work, I would have had more. Kids bring so much joy to a parents life.

I too am very thankful for adoption and the life I have been given.

Her story was very touching, thanks for sharing.