Monday, August 02, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Well- we have been so busy, and the busy times are still not over... It is has been lots of fun though. We have been in Oregon for a long 2 and a half weeks, came home to do a surprise party for Brett's Dad. All of his children and their families came into town to surprise him (it was his 60th birthday). We had a dinner party, and the next day we all went to the lake. We rented boats and a skidoo. It was a perfect day at the lake. For the next few weeks we will have Brett and I anniversary, Dr's appointments for both girls, Olivia's B-day, and another family reunion with Brett's extended family. It is just crazy busy lately! I have been bad about daily schedules and working out with all the comotion. Not good!

There was lots of "getting to know you" time for Claire. By the end of the trip she was okay with her Grandparents. She is just so shy though (and at a very crabby age! At least I am hoping it is her age and just a stage!!)

Livie had a great time. When I ask her what her favorite part of Oregon was she will quickly respond "playing with Grandma!"

This is 2 of my sis-in-laws. There are 5 boys in the family- so there are lots of sis-in-laws! They are all great, and we love to chat! It was fun to see them all! (Val- we missed you ;( )

This is the latest from our garden (Amy- you've got to start coming to gather your little tomatoes!) Our garden is doing pretty well. We are still waiting to the larger tomatoes to get red, but we have had zucchini, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and we are watching 4 watermelons grow really fast! Sadly we had an infestation of squash bugs on the zucchini plants. It was SOOO distgusting. I had to hand pick each large beetle bug off the plant and drown it in water. I kept screaming and getting chills every time I picked one up. There was about 50 of them. AAAH! They were just so nasty. The plants seem to have survived though and are doing well despite the bugs. Phew!


Dave & Melissa said...

It was great seeing you! Hope you guys enjoy the rest of your summer. Love the pics!

Valerie said...

I missed see you all too! Can't wait for the family reunion next summer. Sounds like you have had a busy summer, Sarah!

Betty said...

Yuk, squash beetles! They have killed my zucchini the last two years. They won this year...I didn't plant any. I never saw one until we moved to Eastern WA. Until then, I didn't think anything could kill a zucchini. I wore rubber gloves and dropped them in a plastic bag that I tied shut and put into the garbage.You are right...they are SO disgusting. They lay eggs on the backs of the leaves and you turn the leaf over and there are all these little wiggley things! Good luck!!!!

Karen K. said...

ewwwwwwwwwwww...squash beetles sound disgusting. We have been so lucky/blessed/whatever to be free of them. Your veggies look yummy! Our garden is looking loverly these days too. I am soooo glad you were able to be here and that I was Olivia's favorite part of Oregon. She was definitely one of my favorite parts of the family visit! Dad loves the picture of him and Claire. It's so sweet! I, on the other hand, in my photo with Liv, look old--probably look my age-- but I'd prefer to think I look better than that picture!

Karen K. said...

(I still think Olivia has the cutest nose ever!)

Dawn said...

Love that first picture. The veggies look so yummy, the beetle massacre sounds like not so much fun. Sorry! and yes I would LOVE a tutorial on big pictures!!

Kristen P. said...

Blech...I should have smiled or something! Please no one look at me. It was fun to see everyone. Sam was so sad that he did not get to Morgan again though. Our trip was too short. Thanks for letting us stay. We did not get a garden in this year. I was going to move it but I didn't so there is an empty box. AND your girls are SO SO cute!

Kristen P. said...

that was supposed to say "see Morgan again"

Karen K. said...

It's ok, Kristen. You are in good company. I felt the same way when I saw myself in the pic with Liv. It's nice to know where I was and what I was doing, but I wish I looked better in the picture while doing it! ;)

Oh, and I just had a good laugh, Sarah. It's only taken me nearly a week to figure out who "Betty" is (above). I kept thinking your old roommate was commenting!!! LOL (Sorry, Mom)

Sarah Peterson said...

people- you should just be happy to make it in a picture on the coolest blog there is...
j/k sorry you don't like your pics!

Karen K. said...

How come you don't take pictures of me that are as cute as the ones of your kids??? Never mind. Don't answer that. ;)

Britta said...

Ha ha, Sarah! I didn't even read these comments before we had the conversation today about how I look in the above mentioned photo.

So... I'm so happy to have made it into the coolest blog there is!


that is so exciting about your garden! I love cherry tomatoes,if it's a good cherry tomatoe, I'd rather have that than chocolate. It's like eating candy, i love them. all teh pics with your family visit are so cute. love teh one of claire and your dad, so cute. I also thought the pic of your sis in laws were cute because they all had their fancy cameras on them, ready to take pictures.