Friday, February 13, 2009

We Quit

It's official- we are failures! We are quitting potty training, alas, I don't think Olivia is quite ready. After 2 weeks of poop and pee on the floor ALL day long, every stinkin day... WE QUIT! Yesterday she had NOTHING in the potty. She peed on the floor all day long. She doesn't seem to understand when she needs to go. The only time she makes it is when she has been sitting on her toilet already (since I made her sit on it ALL the time, even though she said she didn't need to go). Anyway- I am sick of it.. it is absolutely making me crazy.
In better news...
Claire slept 8 hours last night!!! I've been doing some sleep training (thanks to Natalies great advice) and it is WORKING! AMAZING! I thank the Lord daily for letting Claire and I sleep!!! YEA!!!!


Karen K. said...

As I told you yesterday, it's just FINE! Maybe in a month or two you can try Michele Campbell's method. Lots of apple juice and 2 M&M's every time she's successful. I wish they still had training pants. I'll bet they have them somewhere... I don't recommend pull-ups though. They might as well be in a diaper. Great for trips out while training and sleeping in the beginning but I don't think they are very helpful UNLESS the child is just Ready Freddie to do it. Love ya! You are NOT a failure. If it doesn't happen in a couple-few days I think it's not meant to happen right away--then she's training YOU! Love ya!!!

nettie said...

your mom is right, i wouldn't worry about sarah. i am not kidding, diapers are NOT that bad--especially when you have to use disgusting public restrooms, or they pee in a public place. we (I mean I) tried and quit with Morgan too. The 2nd time around, it just clicked.

I have decided that with Calvin, I am not even trying until he's three. why go through the trouble and headache. My friends little boy trained himself, when he was about 3.5, he got tired of his brothers making fun of him for wearing diapers and trained himself in one day. That's the way to do it!!!

Yay Claire! I hope she keeps it up. Sleep is a mom's best friend.


I'm so sorry, my sister is going through the same thing right now with her son. I really feel for you and do NOT look forward to potty training. love you.

Alisha said...

i think that any training is good training. she'll be ready before you know it. don't let it stress you. i had to kinda "re-train" jill after our chirstmas trip to the cabini just let her go commando style for a few days and that does the trick for us.
yes!! i am a firm believer in sleep training!! sleep is so critical for a mother of two little ones.

Natalie said...

As others have said... don't worry! My aunt (whose youngest is our girls age) said her pediatrician said if either of you (child or parent) gets too frustrated... STOP! I think that is excellent advice. She probably isn't ready yet. We did decide to go all panties, no diapers even when going out and at naps/night. I know, SCARY! But I think its helped her not be confused. Also, your mom mentioned training pants. There are some thicker underwear we got at Shopko (with baby stuff, not with other kid underwear). But you are DEFINITELY not a failure~! You are a wonderful mother and you have sure worked hard! Its been a long, long week at our house, even seeing some success!

AND! Wahoo! I'm so glad Claire slept 8 hours for you! That is so so FABULOUS!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!

Brandi said...

I must say my story too I guess. First of all, you are doing the right thing. You should never stress yourself out as that will stress her out and make it worse. Anthony was halfway potty trained when he was one and then we moved. He totally lost it. We tried again after Zachary was born three times. However, we kept at it every few months and then one time it clicked when he pooped on the floor. He was embarrassed and never missed again. He was a little more than two when he finally got it. Now he is 3 and a half and hasn't had a night time accident in a year. Potty training is great! You'll both get it. They always do.

Kristen P. said...

It took Sam over 1 month to really get it. Then, we worked on getting it right. I don't believe these people who did it in a day or a week. He still wears pull-ups at night sometimes. I did the training pants but I didn't find them that helpful(absorbancy-wise) until Sam really was getting it and just a teeny bit leaked out. Maybe you just have to find the right encentive, too. And like everyone else said, You are not a failure. Maybe right now she's just not ready. It will happen. And Nettie is right, diapers are under-rated. Public restrooms are nasty!

Karen K. said...

Oh the public restroom thing. I can barely touch anything when I'm in there. I cringe cringe cringe when I see a mother ALLOWING her child to sit on the FLOOR of the stall and play amidst whatever is infecting that area while she's doing her thing. I'm talking about the ones who don't even TRY to stop their child. Aaaaagh. I totally understand the frustration, however, of a mother who is making great attempts to KEEP their child from the filth.

Anyway, back to potty training. (I'm not sure what commando style means ?) Remember that Olivia has had a lot of stuff going on in just six months. She's left her safe haven of home to move to grandma's and then she's moved to yet another new house and then, then...the brought that little baby thing home one day. And NOW you want to take away her doppers? For shame. ;)

I'd just keep talking about it to her and revisiting the idea of it often. I think there are kids who are pretty much trained (with some accidents of course) in a day or two but those are kids who are just plain ready and get it. Every child is different. It doesn't matter at what rate a child is motivated to do something regardless of their age--younger or older. If a child is potty trained at 1-1/2 or 2 it doesn't mean they're the winner. It's certainly not a competition. :0Olivia's a winner! And so are you. I love you.

Sarah Peterson said...

I believe "commando" means naked... hahaha!

Valerie said...

Sarah, I'm with all the rest. Just like breastfeeding, if potty training gets too stressful for either Mom or toddler, it's best to wait a few months and try again.

All 3 of our older kids were not potty trained until 3, or 3 1/2. I tried and tried and tried. With Caroline I'm just letting her decide. It's just easier on all of us.

jnnut said...

Potty training is not easy but it does take time and when Livie is ready. My first one was never potty trained. He quit coldd turkey and went when he was 3 yrs and 2 weeks old. His little brother was 2 weeks old when he decided that diapers were for babies...Number 2 was the most difficult and he was 4. I forgot to buy diapers so my boys' great grandmother told number 2 that there's no more diapers and that he'd have to go to the potty. It worked...Number 3 was potty trained at 2 1/2. We stayed home the whole weekend and asked him every 1/2 hr if he had to go and sat him on the toilet every 1/2 hr.(even if he didnt have to go, he sat) We did not go out the whole weekend. I think that's similiar to Dr. Phil's method.
so my point is, every child is different and Livie's time will come. Take your time....