Saturday, February 28, 2009


It's been sunny, but still chilly. We've been outside a lot for walks and to just be outside. Livie discovered the ginormous sand box that we have acquired with the house... I wasn't sure that I liked it, but the more I think about it, I think I'll like it. Claire has been fitting into all of her hats now. I'm excited about that. I think we have about 20 hats. I know, it's ridiculous, but when ya have bald babies...

This is Olivia's latest look. She rolls her eyes ALL the time. It is funny, but at the same time a bit worrisome. She will hurt baby Claire in some way shape or form and when I make her apologize she will, but soon after turn around, sigh and roll her eyes. Oh brother...


Alisha said...

oh no. i thought that didn't start for at least a few more years...



Karen K. said...

Claire really is a little ClaireBear!

Natalie said...

nice rolling eyes picture. don't you love it... blah.

nettie said...

oh, that's classic. haha.

Brandi Clark said...

My kids are about the same distance apart as yours. Tony hurts Zach, and not Zach is getting back at him sometimes. Usually it is just because the older child is jealous and feels like she isn't getting enough attention. Sometimes I just have to sit down with Tony and cuddle him without Zachy around so he knows he is just as special. It seems to help.