Saturday, February 21, 2009

Daddy-O is 30!!

Yesterday was Brett's 30th Birthday. YOWSA! We never knew 30 could look so good ;) Brett told Olivia we would go ice-skating for his birthday. He hoped she would forget... but she did not! So, we went. I forgot to bring in my camera- I was so irritated that I forgot. So, by the time I got it Olivia was DONE on the ice. Really, she only went around once on ice skates and once in her tennis shoes. She didn't really like it. She had a blast playing on the bleachers and watching us skate through the glass though!


Dawn said...

Wow the big 30! Dude your older then me! Happy Birthday. Looks like you had a great time skating!

Alisha said...

30 is the new 20 so i heard. happy bday bro ha ha ha

Karen K. said...

Not by much Dawn!!!

Happy belated birthday Brett. Now that I know it was the big 3-0 I feel even worse that I missed it. Oh well, I'll get over it. ;) heh heh

Karen K. said...

Oh, by the way, I thought Brett and Olivia's expressions looked much the same!


Wow 30! The picture of brett skating is priceless. Great face expression! that's too bad you forgot your camera. That's funny she remembered he said he was going to go iceskating- it's crazy how they can remember everything. love you-

Dave & Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Brett! What a fun birthday activity. Dave will be 30this year too. Wow, does time fly????

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday Brett. Loved the skating picture of him. Watch out everyone!