Friday, February 06, 2009

A Visit from some of our favorite people

Hannah and Olivia

This is Bryson- there latest addition! (gotta love that shirt!)

Our friends and old neighbors the Roaches came to visit! We just love getting to see them again. Olivia LOVES playing with Hannah, and I LOVE talking to Natalie. She one of those moms that does it all soo well, so there is much to be learned from her! We miss them lots... it's too bad they didn't move with us!


Karen K. said...

How cute! I love the upside down pic. Bryson's shirt is great... can we get one for your dad? (don't tell him I said that) ;) I'm glad you have such good friends.

Natalie said...

You are so nice! I forgot that you went private and that my blog list doesn't show when you update anymore! So I haven't checked your blog for a few days. We LOVED coming to visit. Thanks for having us. You are TOO NICE! I was the one asking you all the questions trying to learn from YOU! I also LOVE the pictures! Can you send me copies?!
Love you!