Sunday, July 06, 2008

The Wedding

The first dance

Livie being shy- her favorite word to mostly everyone was "NO" She wanted people to stay away!

Fransisco searching for the garter... Where'd he go!?

Fransisco did quite the dance with my mom. He is not shy to say the least when on the dance floor!

catching the bouquet

Em and Fransisco dancing

the girls dancing... well mostly running on the dance floor. They were having lots of fun!

Pa and Emma in the first Daddy- daughter dance


Cecilia said...

Looks like you guys had a great time at the wedding....I love the dancing pictures!

Egghead said...

That picture of your dad with Em dancing is so sweet. I love the decorating. Your mom did a great job.


So cute- her dress was so pretty! And the building looked so good! I want to see more pics of the building- it looks so pretty! love you.

Danielle said...

The wedding and Emily look GORGEOUS! I love it all! Now you need to get Emily to get a blog:)