Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I need another manual!

I have to teach relief society on Sunday.... Ugh. Who ever thought a 23 year old could teach a room full of smart, very experienced mothers all older then I, must be CRAZY!! I have taught 5 year olds, but that is the extent of my experience, and there was a great manual that told you exactly what to teach and where to find it! For relief society theres nothing but a book with some quotes in it! Brother! luckily there are a LOT of on-line resources... but still, I wish it were easier!


nettie said...

I hate teaching, but the great thing about teaching RS is that ladies LOVE to make LOTS of comments, get them talking and you won't have to do much 'teaching'. good luck, I'm sure you'll do great.

Karen K. said...

Which lesson is it???

Egghead said...

Is sounds as though you are asked to stretch which always makes us uncomfortable. But Sarah, you will do great...don't underestimate yourself. No matter what age you always will have something interesting to teach someone else.

Karen K. said...

When I was your age we had "Cultural Refinement" lessons and I had to teach those ladies about El Salvador! It was cultural--that's all I remember. You will do great--just don't read the entire lesson out of the book and don't have everyone else do it either. Do you have the 'Teaching No Greater Call' manual? I think you told me you don't. Borrow one. Maybe Natalie or Emily has one. There are ideas in there for teaching different ways to make the lesson more interesting. My mom and I (I got it from her) have made little tests (T/F) that they can fill out or questionnaires about the lesson material that will be discussed later in the lesson... something that gives them something to do and takes time is good! Object lessons are fun. Visual aids really help--even if it's just key words on a piece of paper. I like it when the teacher has the question she's asking written out and posts it. I am one that can rarely answer the question after its asked because I've already forgotten it! If it's written down they can see it and contemplate it instead of getting distracted by someone else's answer or something. (I may hear someone's answer but then I'll think "that's a good response but what was the question?"--of course I wasn't talking and missed it or anything...) I am still curious which lesson you have. Just a few ideas. Maybe it will get you thinking. Love ya!

Sarah Peterson said...

it's Chapter 13 on Obedience. It is not one you can read from the manual anyway-- besides, I wouldn't do that because lessons that you just read are BORING!! Thanks for the ideas, I think it should go fine..

Lindsay Marchant said...

Relief Society? I would be so scared. I am proud of you. I know what you mean about that darn manual!

Aika said...

I totally understand how you are feeling. I had to teach relief society for about two years right when we got married to our family ward, which had a bunch of (how should I say this nicely) much more experience people than I was. But the key is to let them talk and have a discussion and then by the time you know it, you're time is done! But I know that you will do great! Good luck with everything.

Natalie said...

It is a bit nerve-wracking... but you'll do great! I wish I could be there! Like someone else said, RS sisters are great at making comments and telling experiences. And yes, be sure to access some online resources. when I taught, I liked sugardoodle.net Good luck!