Wednesday, July 23, 2008

How the Pros do it!

You may be wondering to yourself... How does that crrrazy Sarah read ALL those blogs!? (seeing as I have a LOT of links... yes, I'm just popular with friends, what can I say? ;)
Well, there is this awesome thing called FEEDREADER. You enter in ALL your links and then it tells you when someone has updated their blog. Oh sooo handy. You never have to keep checking a blog to see if they've updated.. It's a lifesaver and TIME saver!
Just thought you might want to know.. in case you too were tired of looking at blogs that were un-updated!
Unfortunatly most of you don't have a computer genius husband that will install it for you and show you how to use it...Sadly you only have me to try to tell you over blogger. Yup- maybe you should just call Brett!!


Karen K. said...

Well Miss Crazy Sarah...How DO you do it? Do I have to have something special or is it connected to Blogger? That is great to know, that's for sure...

Cecilia said...

I've been using google reader for two months now and I love it!
Is that the same thing???

nettie said...

I use google reader too, and I agree it's WAY awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for you popular folk. Lucky for me I only have 5 friends!

Ryan said...

I second the google reader thing. It's all online, so no installing. go to

Karen K. said...

LIVIE. LIVIE. LIVIE. LIVIE. LIVIE... mmmm, where's that video? A picture? Anything? (I should talk...)