Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Update

Well, I am just over 4 months now. I'm still not showing much, just enough to make me look chubby- brother... I often think that I would like to wear a shirt saying "that little bump is a baby, not just dinner" but... whatever. I will be pregnant looking soon enough! We find out the sex of the baby August 7. I really feel like it is a boy. I don't know why. Brett thinks it is probably a girl. He feels that he will be cursed with all girls since he wants a boy to rough-house with and go to sporting events with... I can't wait to know! I am pretty sure I have felt the little babe kick once or twice. It is exciting. Olivia knows there is a baby in my tummy, but when I ask if there is one in her tummy too she replies "mmm hmm". So- I don't think she really understands what's coming ;) She has decided that she really LOVES babies lately though. Hopefully she will love her brother/sister just as much! I have my doubts... but I am hoping for the best!


nettie said...

of course she will love her new baby bro/sis. It might take awhile, and some days might be more loving than others, but she's gonna love have a playmate!

Alisha said...

make sure brett knows that having all girls would not be a curse!!! (i say this b/c i think it might happen to me).
olivia will be great after she gets over the fact that the baby takes a lot of your time and she isn't going away.
update on past posts: such cute pictures! olivia is such a sweet face.
let's have a contest...jill vs olivia in tantrums. when jeff saw one he said "how did she learn that? did you teach her that?" (yes, actually i do arch my back, kick and scream when i'm mad. lol.

can't wait to know what you're expecting.

Natalie said...

Its kind of funny how boys wish and dream and plan for having a son someday. Girls are sure fun though... Can't wait to find out what you are having too!

Everyone keeps telling me how lucky I am that I'm small... I'm sick of hearing it. But thats another story. We are sure excited for you!

Karen K. said...

You are so funny! Can I wear the sign too? Except, unfortunately, mine IS dinner, and dessert, and snacks...

Olivia will love the new one. If she doesn't you can send her here to live with us. ;)

And, I am still giggling over imagining Alicia arching her back and screaming and kicking when she's mad.

Anonymous said...

That's funny, Great idea for a t-shirt logo. Olivia is going to LOVE her baby, most of the time anyway. As they get older they occupy more of each others time and less of yours :0). Can't wait to see what the baby is!

Kristen P. said...

I personally hope to never have any girls(despite the cute clothes). I am much better off with boys. I don't do pink, and I can't braid hair or do anything else with hair for that matter. And boys tend to be more mild in attitude than girls. I hope you have a girl just because if you have a boy then we will only have 40% of the Peterson boy grandkids. I like 50% better. However, I think you are having a boy, too. I guess 50% for a few months will work ;)

sherri said...

You are so-o- funny Sarah. Like mother--like daughter. Creative too!-

Conforti Family said...

I was absolutely certain I was having a boy and it turned out to be a girl, I was sooooo shocked! When Kloe came Kadee wanted nothing to do with her, she never wanted to hold her and wouldn't even give her a kiss. It took quite awhile for her to get used to the idea that Kloe wasn't going anywhere, Kadee loves her now thankfully! I think it's always hard for the first child because they aren't used to having any other kids around but as more kids come i think it will get easier.

Jill said...

She'll love the baby--Byron's living proof! He wasn't a big fan at first, but now he thinks he owns Ayden! And tell Brett he can roughhouse with girls, too! My dad and brother rough-housed with me as a kid and I LOVED it! Wade's like Brett, only wants a girl really really bad because there are nothing but boys born into the Koehler family (they consider it a "curse" also!) It would be awesome if you had one of each though!