Sunday, July 06, 2008

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Olivia just went pee pee in her little potty all by herself tonight! We have her toilet in the bathroom, and I was in there doing my own thing (yes, even I'm potty trained!) Anyway- she insisted I undress her and take off her "dopper" (diaper) so she could sit on her potty next to me. She loves to do this, but usually nothing comes of it. But tonight she sat down and 2 seconds later I hear tinkling in the toilet! We cheered for her and gave her a treat right away. She danced around naked and was SO proud of herself! Hopefully this is signs of things to come... we'll see!


Cecilia said...

Yay, for early potty training! Seems like she on her way!

Egghead said...

That is so cute. I love it when they are so proud of themselves.

Karen K. said...

Well I'm glad you're potty-trained. I'm sure you'll be needing to be now that you're pregnant! I'm sorry to see her leave the 'dopper' stage cuz it means she's truly a toddler but oh well, you'll provide us with another dopper baby and we'll have our fun grand-toddler to play with too! Oh, I have stuff to send you--Nikes, bibs, spoons, a hat, Brett's hat...Maybe you should just come and pick it up. heh heh


congratulations!!!! that is wonderful!I got your email = thanks- things have been busy for me too. I've been working alot- I'm just glad you had a really good time, and the wedding went good- i love you!

Anonymous said...

That is fabulous! I love potty trained kids. It looks like you guys have had a busy couple of weeks, but all good things and happy times. Love the wedding pics. Looks like it was SO much fun. Hope you get some time to relax here soon.

Brandi Clark said...

Anthony was pottytrained right around 2 yrs old. It was great, kind of a slow process but well worth the trouble. Good job on praising her for doing it. Won't be long now and you'll be potty training the second one. Love ya.