Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My friend Natalie did this on her blog, and I thought it was neat, so I'm gonna do it on mine!
Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I (or you and Brett... or both!) had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember (as long as its nice)!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Aren't memories fun! Can't wait to see...


Brandi said...

One memory i have of us is from girls camp. Duly noted "the pantsless dance." i highly doubt you could forget that fun night.

sherri said...

I remember when you came out to Fallon when you were dating Brett; you would always go into the other room and read--not sure if you hated the dryness of Nevada or not sure about us.(Ha,Ha)

Brett was always going, going, going full speed.

Unknown said...

what "chime is it", et phone home, beep leave a message, three words...underwear...dancing...camera...
stocking to ridgeview, boys boys boys, and pretty much everyday of your life since we were 11 years old!!!

Karen K. said...

Ha! Yes! What 'chime' is it!!! I thought of that too...

I have tons of memories but I went to the file cabinet and chose a story you wrote:


Some day im going to have long her and evry baty will like it. Some day im going to go to bed erly and mom and Dad will say why are you going to bed so erly. Some day im going to set the taybel how thay do it at resters. Some day im goin to larn to say the End!

Now, if only I can find the note you wrote to me about your Mouse Trap game... that's the funniest!

My best memory of you and Brett together would be when you were dating and we'd all just met Brett and we went to the canyon and made tin foil dinners. You guys were acting all goofy and eating corn on the cob til your lips met, etc. Good times!

Karen K. said...

By the way, you were 7 years old when you wrote that story.

Brandi Clark said...

oh my goodness, I totally remember that. I also remember telling you that your hair would get messed up but it didn't and you proved me wrong. Fun times Sarah, fun times

Lindsay Marchant said...

I remember trading bras and having "? flexing" competitions in my hot tub (thanks to Emma for being our judge)! I also remember being locked out of the house while Chad threw Whoppers at you. Oh...and most of those good times Kim mentioned and the Black Marker and BNB Drive-In of course. I also liked when we all went to the Ems game with our hubbies!

Lindsay Marchant said...

I just thought of one more...our modeling at the beach after graduation. We were such good girls.

Hailey & Jared said...

ok i have so many its hard just choosing one! Lets see it's a toss up between seducing all of the poor innocent boys at church dances or when we played jack and rose off of the titanic...hahahaha Oh man Sarah I love you! sisters at heart for sure!