Friday, August 03, 2007

No more SODA!

Mini Sarah drinking a soda! Liv and I look like twins!

Okay- so, usually I don't blog about things I am thinking about or anything really except Olivia... but I have decided to blog about soda because a lot of people I love drink it regularly, and I think they should STOP!!! Don't be mad at me, I DO drink soda sometimes, but after looking up info on it, I think I may stop drinking it all together! From now on it's juice, milk, and water! Here are some of the crazy facts I found within like 2 minutes of researching it:

People who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more dental decay, fillings and tooth loss!

(HealthDay News) -- Drinking more than one soda a day -- even if it's the sugar-free diet kind -- is associated with an increased incidence of metabolic syndrome, a cluster of risk factors linked to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, a study finds.

pH of Soda = pH of Vinegar
Acid oxidizes whatever it comes in contact with. If you put soda or vinegar on metal, it will rust it quickly.

Drink Soda, Leach Calcium
If you drink soda, which also contains high levels of phosphorous, you will leach calcium from your bones.

Soda Will Dissolve your Tooth Enamel
Weak bones is just the beginning. According to Dr. James Howenstein. author of A Physician’s Guide to Natural Health Products That Work, the high sugar content of soda is awful. He states, “”In an interesting experiment the sugar from one soft drink was able to damage the white blood cells’ ability to ingest and kill bacteria for seven hours.” Dr. Marion Nestle from his book Food Politics states, “Sugar and acid in soft drinks so easily dissolve tooth enamel.”

Each Additional Soda Increases Risk for Obesity by 1.6 times
Dr. Nestle also concluded, “The relationship between soft drink consumption and body weight is so strong that researchers calculate that for each additional soda consumed, the risk of obesity increases 1.6 times.”

Children Who Drink Soda Break Bones More Easily
Our children aren’t safe, either. Dr. Nestle states, “Adolescents who consume soft drinks display a risk of bone fractures three to four-fold higher than those who do not.”

Diet Soda Isn’t Any Better
For those of you with a diet soda in your hands, the news isn’t any better, in fact it’s worse! Carol Simontacchi from her book The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children states, “One liter of an aspartame-sweetened beverage can produce about fifty-six milligrams of methanol. When several of these beverages are consumed in a short period of time (one day, perhaps), as much as two hundred fifty milligrams of methanol are dumped into the bloodstream, or thirty-two times the EPA limit.” So, you’re poisoning your body, too. With diet soda, you’ve gone from high calories to poisonous levels of methanal and an increased chance of developing cancer. Not a very good trade.

Could Caffeine Jeopardize the Human Race?
Then there’s the caffeine. Jean Carper from her book Food: Your Miracle Medicine : How Food Can Prevent and Cure over 100 Symptoms and Problems states, “tests at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Roland R. Griffiths, MD, show caffeine withdrawal can strike people who drink a single cup of strongly brewed coffee or drink caffeinated soft drinks everyday. Further, Dr. Griffiths discovered that caffeine-withdrawal symptoms include not only headache, but also fatigue, mild depression, muscle pain and stiffness, flu-like feelings, nausea and vomiting. And for women: “Those consuming at least one cup of a caffeine-containing beverage per day, such as coffee, tea or soft drinks, were more prone to PMS. And the more caffeine they consumed, the more severe their PMS symptoms.”

If All That Wasn’t Enough Watch Out for a Asthma and a Rash
And finally there’s the preservative used in soda. Some reported reactions to sodium benzoate include recurring urticaria (rash), asthma, and eczema.”

Sodium benzoate, a preservative used in large quantities in soft drinks like Sprite, Dr. Pepper and Oasis, may cause severe damage to DNA and increase your risk of related diseases like Parkinson's while accelerating the aging process.Sodium benzoate appears to damage the “power station” of cells, known as the mitochondria, according to a British aging expert at Sheffield University.

Anyone want a soda now!?


Karen K. said...

Did Emily put you up to this!?1 Ok. Ok. I will attempt to stop the soda habit (as I eye my empty Diet Pepsi can sitting right beside me...). Just be aware that juice has a LOT of calories in it so don't drink too much of that either. (I doubt that I GAVE you that soda in the picture...I'm sure you were probably guzzling MINE!)

Sarah Peterson said...

I know juice has lots of calories too, I've been drinking Crystal Light... and NO Emma didn't put me up to it! And I don't think you would have given me a soda either... I just thought it was a cute pic for this blog!

Tracey said...

I am a little grossed out but finding myself wanting a crisp cold diet caffiene free pepsi!

Karen K. said...

Yikes. Even the caffeine-free is addictive. I just noticed the "sodium benzoate" thing at the bottom. I came home to some diet lemon-lime and thought, "oh that's probably not as bad. I need to finish the bottle, right?" Uh, now I know I may have increased my risk of Alzheimer's and accelerated my wrinkles. Oh joy! Sarah, Crystal Light has aspartame. I think normal old boring water is probably the right answer. Why, oh why can't I be one of those people who LOVE water? I only love water when I'm parched!

nettie said...

this is a good one sarah...i am not a huge soda drinker, usually i prefer water, but lately when we go out i have been ordering a soft drink. i don't usually look at the bill, but today i did, and the price for my one diet coke (which i didn't even finish) was $2.19. are you kidding me? that is the most ridiculous thing i have heard all day. that's enough to get me to stop ordering it.

i think there is definitely an addiction to the sweetness, at least for me.

Alisha said...

i stopped drinking soda in junior high or high school. jeff did too. we drink it about once every other month or less. i just remember wanting my body to be the best it could be while i did sports. now that i'm a mother and i plan on being pregnant again i'm not going to start the habit.
actually, i can't ever finish one can by myself, and i feel nasty after i drink it. it also makes me all bubbly inside and i don't like it.
also, caffine can be classified as an addiction and shouldn't we all avoid this...
(thanks for the soap box)

Kristen P. said...

Here is my reason to not drink soda: it is filled with empty kcals. There is no benefit to your health, and I don't care for it that much. However, if a soda is something you enjoy. Once in a while is ok. The American Dietectics Association states, "All foods fit." Or maybe it's the US Dept of Ag (aka the Food Guide Pyramid guys). Either way it doesn't matter. The key here is moderation.

Karen K. said...

I agree with Kristen. Everything in moderation. Could a soda actually be classified as a "food?" Regular soda, maybe, (do empty sugar calories count as food?) but definitely not diet soda. All chemicals. Soda is not good for anyone and it's probably best to eliminate it from the diet if one is motivated to do so.

What are the pros and cons? Hmmm. What pros? Oh, yeah, it TASTES great. I'm not sure of any other pros. Pepsi with sugar is my all-time favorite drink. Ever. Probably always will be. I rarely drink it but when I see an advertisement for it or see a can of it I am in instant "want" mode. I wish I loved water so much...

Lindsay Marchant said...

I love you Tracey. That is such a funny comment! Sounds just like something my mom would say.
Sarah, since starting my goal of eatting good and exercising I have not had soda for 28 days! I feel much healthier already! My teeth are feeling good too!!


Well, I guess I am really fortunate, because- my mom never bought pop, so I've never been a pop drinker, and she never bought juice except orange-juice. The only time she bought pop was when the missionaries came for dinner if we had pizza, and that wasn't often. So maybe a few times a year. WAIT i forgot- we got it on Christmas Eve. So I've always been a water person, and love to drink orange juice in the morning. One thing though for all you "hate water" people- do you drink it ice cold? warm, or even cold water is gross- it needs to be ice cold- and then i love it. I only drink water from inside the fridge. And we're refilling it all day long. And- a purifier makes a difference- it might be a mental thing- but I feel like it tastes better after its purified, then you don't have all that metal or chlorine or whatever taste your water has. AND BY THE WAY PEOPLE: bottled water is tap water. I'll try to find the resources- but it's true! they don't have to label the water on the bottle, so they add tiny ammounts of something, so they can make it look like it's great water, but it's just tap water. So don't waste your money- buy a water filter! That's funny what you said about juice, because- I hated that my mom woudln't buy caprisons, and sunny-d, and all those "cool drinks!" and now I'm so grateful, she only gave us orange juice! I think I'm going to post that information on my blog, for my readers. Thanks for the info! OH YEAH- and Sarah, you and Olivia are twins!

Valerie said...

We've been off soda for quite a few years now...once you go without HFCS, you never want it. (That's high fructose corn syrup, but around our house we call it "hfcs". It's nasty...but in everything.)

Karen K. said...

How long do I have to go without HFCS? I rarely have soda w/sugar (maybe once or twice a year) and I still want it! I must have the wrong genes. And, right now I'm wanting a soda really bad. I haven't had one since Sarah posted this blog though. More water for me.

Kristen P. said...

Here's some reading on HFCS from the American Dietetics Assoc.

Just thought you might like it.

Karen K. said...

Thanks for posting the info Kristen. I, for one, will read it for sure and then comment on it again. If I didn't have to finish writing my talk on Repentance and Forgiveness I'd do it right now. I'd much rather read about HFCS! Right now I need to repent of delaying writing this talk... ;)