Sunday, August 19, 2007

8 random and crazy facts

So, I've been asked by a few different people to write 8 random facts about me people may not know... So, FINALLy I will do it!

1. I always think theres bugs crawling on me.. ESPECIALLY if I've been outside for more then 5 minutes

2. The bugs comment leads me to #2- I LOOOVE to be clean. I can't stand to not shower for more then a day. If I could, I would shower twice a day... but I don't want to have wet hair at night, and a shower isn't complete without clean hair.

3.I read blogs of people I don't even know... frequently. I would add them to my links, but I don't know them and if they came across it I'm sure they'd be freaked out!

4.I pretty much ALWAYS have a runny nose. All year round. I sniffle all the time and when Brett and I were dating it drove him NUTS! He tried to make me stop by telling me every time he caught me sniffling I would have to eat a Harry Potter Jelly Bean. It scared me that I could get throw-up flavor, and eventually I ended up crying because I didn't want to eat another jelly bean, so Brett stopped!

5. I very much LOVED my pregnant belly. I thougt it was beautiful, and so fun to feel Liv inside of me..

6.I realized the other day I ALWAYS put my left contact in first, and my left shoe on first. I couldn't make myself do it the other way around, it just feels awkward.

7.I am VERY scared of the dark. I have to have night lights, and if I can't get to light fast enough I cry. (I know, it's pathetic)

8.I am quite paranoid someone is going to "get" me. I am always looking behind me to make sure no one is there, always locking doors, and I RUN if I think someone looks fishy...You never know! I might look weird running through the parking lot at Wal-Mart, but atleast I won't be the one dead somewhere.. aaah, that's SICK!

Okay, that's that. It took me awhile to think of them, but oh-well! I will tag Ma, Alisha, Nettie, Kristen, Dawn, Sherri, Val, and Britta. I think everyone else has been tagged at some point..


Anonymous said...

I love it. You are so funny. I will come up with some within the next week hopefully for you.

Alisha said...

i think you watched one too many episodes of "Unsolved Mysteries".

Sarah Peterson said...

no Trace- it's Law and Order... I watch it ALL the time!

The Blovicks said...

I just wanted to say that I have to put my right contact in first and my right shoe on first! It feels weird to me to do the left!

Lindsay Marchant said...

It is amazing that I really didn't know any of that stuff. Good job coming up w/ some original stuff. The bug thing reminds me of Kyla. Remember how freaked out she was of bugs and spiders. I used to laugh! You couldn't have been Kim and my roommate in Idaho w/ that clean thing. We would skip showers all the time and since we all worked out a lot we smelled so bad!! It was gross...all the boys that came over would complain bur we just thought it was funny!


I love you. So, was it hard for you to live with me since I never showered? Actually- I bet I did shower since I was trying to impress guys- I don't remember. next- I also put my left contact in first,not meaning to. OK- the sniffing- Sarah- my whole life I have always had to blow my nose. Nomatter the time of year, and if I wasn't sick- always. I don't know if you remember me using alot of toyliet paper- I always had a roll by my bed- ha. ANYWAY- I stopped eating dairy products- and it stopped! I never drink milk anymore. (which really sucks- but now I'm used to it) and I don't eat yogurt anymore- ALSO HARD- and only make shakes sometimes, and I eat alot less cheese. I discovered I ate ALOT of dairy- and when I stopped- my runny nose went away. It is wonderful. next- do you have pepper spray? or mase? I always walk with mine in my hand ready to spray, and sometimes I feel stupid because it's broad daylight at walmart- but I'm the same way- I just think- well I don't want to be that girl that gets raped and kidnapped. Since you have Olivia now, I would put the mase on a necklace thing- and put it in your purse- and when you walk to your car just put on the necklace, and when you get inside just put it back in your purse. I love you so much, I miss you so much. I hope you come to visit this fall!!! I'm sorry you're afraid of the dark.

Anonymous said...

I have weird little rituals I can only sleep on the right side of the bed and ALWAYS on my side. Sarah, I will try hard not to frighten you. I bet that Jill/man at Kelli's window really did freak you, Lindsay and Kelli out years ago. Poor lambs!

Megan and Greg said...

That is so funny, I always think people will get me too. I have RUN from my car to my front door (with my key at the ready) MANY MANY MANY times. When I walk, my hand is usually on the trigger of my mase. I'm a little paranoid. But I can't help it!

Anonymous said...

hahaha...ever since you told me about the man in the closet story, I havn't been able to sleep at night! I make my dad check every night(he always say's goodnight to Fred..he thinks it's a joke but I'm for reals)! I miss you Sarah! It's always fun when your around!