Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Getting into Trouble

Livie can be such a trouble maker! She is so into climbing up and getting into EVERYTHING! She tugs on our indoor plants, climbs up and into the coffee table thing in the living room, climbs into her toy basket! Anything she can climb on... she will! It's funny, but sometimes dangerously scary!


Karen K. said...

What a cutie pie. I wish I could've seen her when she'd unrolled the toilet paper off the roll and was eating it! She may rival her daddy yet (in getting into mischief). I just love that little punkin! (Her hair is really growing--I may need to send her ponytail holders for her birthday! haha)

Anonymous said...

Everytime I see a new picture of Liv I think of a new toy she has to have. Little Miss Livie needs a tiny car that you can either push or climb on. Kids love them because the seat pops up and they can put toys inside and the horn works. My kids lived on these things. Try cutting and pasting this long link to see what I mean.
