Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Waiting For the Family Reunion

We can't wait! from Sarisker
We get to go to Washington D.C. for a family reunion with all of Brett's family next week. We are so excited to go and see the sites (and all of the family we haven't sceen in awhile!) Olivia just screams about it all day long!


Karen K. said...

You are just so CREATIVE! Livie looks so happy and excited. That's how I feel when I get to see HER! I miss all you guys!

Kristen P. said...

Maybe someone could show me how to put in video someday. I just haven't had the time to spend hours trying to figure it out. I do video Sam but...I'm a little jealous of you guys who know what the heck you're doing on these computers!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure sarah would be happy to show off her video editing skills during the vacation! Its not too hard once you're shown how to do it ;)

Sarah Peterson said...

Brett's right, it's VERY easy- I only spend like 15 minutes making my videos and posting them. It's fun and easy. I'd love to help anyone who needs helping!

Valerie said...

Sarah, that's adorable! We're SO excited too. It's starting to feel real...we're really getting a little break!

Karen K. said...

It's nice to see Emily too! Now that I've watched it for the 151st time (give or take) I've had time to contemplate...why do you suppose kids like the 'horsey' rides (like Emily is doing)? I remember making my grandpa's do that all the time. Anyway, it just seems that all kids like it.

Alisha said...

i scream every time i think about it too!!! i can't wait.