Thursday, May 03, 2007

Finallly Eating

First came the graham cracker (the first real solid she doesn't choke on)
Caroline and Jillian- see that cute headband Olivia is wearing? Aunt Sarah made one for you too to wear at the family reunion- (Liv's couldn't wait!)

Second- a sip of water with a drop of grape juice.. mmmm!

Third- sweet potatoes and a BIG mess! Livie is FINALLY starrting to have an apetite and actually eat what we give her! She can manage to eat a whole container of food in one sitting! Go Livie! ( It use to take 3-4 sittings for one jar of food)


Sarah Peterson said...

by the way- Olivia is feeling MUCH better- she got strep throat and had a temp of 103.7 last Sunday, but all is well now! yea!

nettie said...

Yay for Olivia! mmmm...Sweet potatoes were morgan's favorite. (I liked them too.)

So sad about the strep throat! Sad for you too, since I assume you had to administer the drugs...I HATE medicine! Glad she's feeling better! We all need to be healthy for the beach!

Karen K. said...

I wonder if her throat has been hurting for awhile and that's why she didn't want to eat...

Thanks for the new pics. She is so CUTE! I love the headband. Did you crochet the flower?

Lindsay Marchant said...

Oh my goodness! What a messy little baby. I am scared for the day when Connor starts to eat. That is a lot to clean up. It is cute though. It seems like Livie is really enjoying her food (and the mess!).

Sarah Peterson said...

Nettie- yes, giving her the medicine is AWFUL! She HATES the antibiotics, BUT we did find a solution! She loves "bubblegum milk" (the meds with her milk, it makes it go down soo much nicer!)
Ma- no, I didn't crochet the flowers- I wish, but I don't know how. I just sewed the band together and pasted the flower on! Pretty easy!

Alisha said...

good job livie!!! the mess isn't too bad. . .the cleanup is fast and easy. i think its more funny than messy!

nettie said...

Good trick with the medicine...I think we tried something like that. I think I even once tried to hide medicine in some pudding...she noticed. Maybe this is why I never take m to the dr...I don't want to take the risk that there might be medicine involved.

nettie said...

p.s. Is sarah the hairstylist coming on vacation, or should i get my haircut before I come?

Sarah Peterson said...

You guys need to look spiffy for the family pics so I suppose I can cut some hairs! I would love to Nettie ;)

Valerie said...

Yay for Olivia!! She looks happy eating! Food is good...

I was thinking I am in desperate need of coloring/highlighting advice. Maybe you could help me figure out what i should do to cover up all of my's so sad. I'm really not THAT old!

Kristen P. said...

Good job Olivia!!! Maybe she is one of those babies who doesn't like baby food. Does she gag if her food is more chunky? Also try Gerber Fruit/Veggie Puffs or Wagon wheels. Sam LOVES them! They melt in their mouth almost. Don't get Biter biscuits. Talk about a mess!!! You don't want to go there.

Umm...yeah. My hair needs the serious help of a professional! Would you pretty please???

Anonymous said...

Kristen- it's too late Liv already had a biter biscuit and it WAS a mess! And she choked on it. No more for her! She choked on the puff things too, she just doesn't understand the consept of chewing or even sucking. She mosly licks! Soon I think she'll do it though! Yes, I can trim your hair too!
Val- I can give you advice, but what do you want to know? I would love to color it but I don't know if we'll have the time for that on the vacation- we'll see! I've never sceen grey in your hair! I don't know WHAT your talking about!

Kristen P. said...

So sorry I didn't warn you about the Biter bicuits sooner!!! Yuck! Try breaking off pieces of the puffs. That's what I did for Sam until he got better with them. A teeny piece at a time may help her figure it out.

Valerie said...

I really didn't mean to have you color it...I just am clueless when it comes to all of that! I'd love to just get your take on good coloring brands, and how to choose the right color. (Or whether to even try doing it on your own, or to just go to a salon...)

Sarah Peterson said...

Val- we can talk color when I get there- I can definately help especially when I'll be able to actually SEE what your problems/needs are ;) No prob!