Wednesday, May 23, 2007

She's Crawling!

Go Baby Go! from Sarisker on Vimeo

We have a crawler now! She has finally figured it out. She hasn't mastered it for say, but she's on the road to being a professional! Gooo Olivia (just not anywhere dangerous!)


Anonymous said...

Time to baby proof! Congrats Liv!!

Karen K. said...

Watch that basement door!!! (And tell Em to open it carefully) :) I love your choice of music...where do you find that stuff anyway??? She's growing up too fast and I want to be there! Thanks for sharing...Love ya, Ma

Anonymous said...

Sarah it's Amy Winegardner (Arnold)!!!! I just looked at your website and saw you were intown in March- my heart seriously stopped. I hate that you didn't call me!!!! Here's the deal- I'm awful at keepiing in touch long distance- and we don't have long distance phone service-BUT- I'm good at emailing!- do you do email? my email is PLEASE WRITE ME- if nothing else, just to let me know what your address is- I love you! and miss you! I wish you lived here!- Love- Amy

Sarah Peterson said...

Amy Amy Amy, I DID call you like 3 times and left messages. Maybe I have the wrong number. I really wanted to see you! I will e-mail you and we can talk. If I call you does it still charge you long distance? I can't remember how it all works, because I do have free long distance! Anyways, I'm sure we'll be out there in a few months again and if we keep in touch through e-mail then we can plan to see eachother before I'm even in Oregon! ok?

Alisha said...

oh yeah baby!!! i knew it wasn't far off. way to go livie!!

Lindsay Marchant said...

Yippie for livie! So cute. She is really movin around and exploring. I love it!

Mom and Dad Pete said...

How fun! Soon she'll be going up and downthe steps,too. I knew she would be crawling soon aftertraveling aroundin Virginia(she turned around and around from one butt cheek to the other--it was so funny)