Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Home Made

I made Olivia a shirt today. I'm pretty excited about it. I had left over fabric from another project so I thought I'd make Liv's a shirt. I like it, but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to make a decent button hole for the back part. It's frustrating!


Alisha said...

that is sooooo cute! you are so talented sarah. it fits olivia like a golve.

Karen K. said...

Sar-Bear you should consider a sewing class and then you won't be asking those "how do I" questions! You're really talented kiddo. By the way, have I mentioned that is one cute baby???

Anonymous said...

you guys are nice- I don't think it's really a "talent"! It's not hard to sew straight lines and bunch up fabric! I really should take a sewing class. The problem is I get too impatient to do things the "right" way- I just want to see the finished product! It's just too exciting- Livie was VERY mad at me for trying it on her 3 times before it was done! I just couldn't wait though!

Kristen P. said...

These are the things I have seen Sarah make (mostly for Olivia):
A shirt w/button hole(those are tuff)
A blanket and a quilt
A carseat cover
A swing cover
ETC, ETC, ETC (I'm sure!)

You must admit that you are talented. I would not have attempted half of what you have.

Lindsay Marchant said...

So Cute! That is all I have to say.

Anonymous said...

You can't say it isn't a talent to sew or you take away the one 'talent' I have. LOL
I think the shirt is beautiful and so is Liv.

Sarah Peterson said...

Tracey- YOU are talented- you can actually do patterns and make things look like you want them too! My things are always very "homemade" looking! I could never sew a prom dress or something REAL like you! That's why I say I'm not really talented, but maybe someday I will have a REAL talent for it! Kristen, you forgot the matching PJ pants! j/k ;) When you list it like that I feel like I've done a lot more!

Kristen P. said...

THE pants! How could I forget the pants? Well, actually, they just fell into the ECT part!

Can't wait to see you three in 4 days!

Karen K. said...

Remember the pillow...a really cute pillow. I wanted one too.