Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Work-Out Fun!

McKenna and Olivia- Kenna and Livie are such cuties!

Eva playing the piano- she LOVES that piano!

Well, for the past month or so my neighbor and I have worked out a cool work-out schedule. She has a treadmill in her basement, so I go over every Mon, Wed, and Fri to work out! I watch her two little girls McKenna and Eva while she treadmills and she watches Olivia while I work out! It's so nice to be able to work out!! We love it! Although Eva is having some seperation anxiety and doesn't usually want to stay upstairs with me... I feel bad. Today she did great though! Hopefully she will get used to me and will not make a fuss every time! Soon, I'm sure she'll come around!


Karen K. said...

McKenna and Eva are darling! They have such beautiful blue eyes--they and Olivia could be sisters! And yes, Eva will get used to you. What a great idea with the treadmill. It's good to have good neighbors!!!