Friday, December 08, 2006

Cough Cough

I'm sick Mommy! on Vimeo

Sometimes Olivia does the fake cough.. it's kinda funny. She's saying "Mommy, I'm sick...can I stay home today?" Listen for the little cat meow in the beginning... that's Livie!


Alisha said...

are you sure that's a fake cough sarah? livie's looking pretty sick! j/j jill misses her happy cousin!!i loved the video. i was laughing.

Karen K. said...

Is she mimicking your cough? Grampa and I think she's a pretty smart girl to be doing that at 4 months! Go Livie!

Kristen P. said...

Isn't it funny how soon they learn the fake cough? Sam does it all the time. It makes me laugh. As if these kids don't get enough attention! If they just weren't so CUTE.......