Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Baby!

Livie in her Christmas outfit Grammy bought. Isn't so adorable!?
(the antlers were extra- not a part of the outfit!)
Grams had a high chair ready for Livie so she could watch us eat at dinner ;)

Our matching pants on Christmas morning

Well, we've had a great Christmas vacation so far. Our family opens most gifts Christmas Eve night.. which I personally love. Then Santa comes in the morning. So, last night we sang Christmas songs and opened gifts and ate a nice dinner. Then this morning we wore matching PJ bottoms that I made and had fun playing PIT and opeing some more little Santa gifts while we enjoyed a nice Christmas breakfast. That was one long sentence!


Alisha said...

i love the pants!! i'm going to copy you for next year. sounds like you had a great time. we miss you. sweet smile livie one the last pic

Karen K. said...

What a cute family and what CUTE LITTLE FEET! I miss you! I'm glad you got to be here for Christmas. Thanks for making the loooong drive.