Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Livie loves to kick

Early Christmas Gift on Vimeo

Olivia got the same toy Jillian had... She loved it so much we had to get it for her. I can't wat to have other people open gifts from me, so Livie's been playing with it early... Brett is mad that I didn't wait, but I'll wrap it up again for Christmas! (She'll never know!) It was so funny- when I was watching the video on the computer Olivia could hear her squeels and she would open her eyes all wide and smile. Does she know it was her own voice!? I don't know...
By the way- I put the age tracker on the bottom of the blog- so if you ever want to know how old Olivia is- check the very bottom of the blog and it will tell you!


Karen K. said...

That girl can SQUEAL! I think she's gonna be a soccer player. She is just so darned cute...I cannot wait til you all get here. I'm counting the days! Love ya!!!

nettie said...

She's growing up isn't she. She looks like she is having fun!

I am sure Brett isn't mad at you, but I have to agree...NO PRESENTS BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! That's what makes Christmas so fun...the anticipation! :)

Karen K. said...

Livie needs something to entertain her now. She won't get to play with that toy for long so I think you were right to give it to her early. It's not like SHE'S going to open the gift! When you open it for Christmas we'll all ooh and ahh and hopefully Livie will never even suspect... ;)

Normally, in the case of people that aren't 4 months old, I do agree...the anticipation is what makes Christmas great!

Sarah Peterson said...

if Olivia was any older I would've made her wait... but since she's so little and it was up to me- I get way too antsy!! So, this time she got it early ;)

Anonymous said...

After seeing your blog last month, that's what we got for Caroline too! It looks like fun, and I love how it changes into a little tunnel when they get bigger. Caroline had to wait...but she's getting just old enough for it now. ;)

Valerie...not sure why it won't let me log on???

Alisha said...

i'm happy to see that jillians toy has brought so much joy to her cousins!! she still hasn't gotten any from it yet. although she has started to like her swing!!

Karen K. said...

I'm still watching this. I love to hear her voice and watch her chunky little legs kicking away! My favorite part is when she kicks both legs in unison.