Friday, December 15, 2006

Photo Shoot

Olivia had a "photo shoot" with Momma last night. It was fun. We got out the lamp and camera and took like 50 pictures, or more! We got some pretty good pictures. I thought they were better then the Kiddie Kandids place (probably because I took TONS more) Plus she's older and more photogenic then she was back then. Anyways, I kinda liked doing it. Who needs professionals!?


Karen K. said...

I could just eat her up! She is so sweet!!!!!!!!!!! I love her expressions but especially in the top photo.

Karen K. said...

Yes, they are better than those Kiddie Kandids you had taken. Much better. Keep it up!

Karen K. said...

I keep looking at these pics and smiling. The third one down reminds me of some kind of Victoria's Secret pose...that'd better be the extent of it for Olivia!

Mom and Dad Pete said...

It must be fun to play around and take zillions of pics and she poses for them!!