Monday, December 18, 2006


So, Lives got her 4 month shots today. Poor poor girl. I just hate it. Anyway she is...
Height: 25" tall (75th percentile)
Weight: 13 lbs 9 oz. (5oth percentile)
Head: she never does say, but it's the 40th percentile (interesting fact- she was like the 10th percentile in head circumfrance when she was born. Little head!)

Well, Olivia has been such a PILL lately! She won't sleep! No naps, and shes waking up very 2 to three hours in the night again. I HATE it! Plus, the other day I was playing with her I put her over my head and ofcouse she spit-up all over me! My hair and face was drenched in puke smelling white sticky stuff. It was SICK! Brett thought it was pretty funny though. So, I've been pooped on, peed on, and now spit up on. So fun...


Kristen P. said...

You're not really a mother until ALL of those things happen ON you. Welcome! You've finally made it!!!

Karen K. said...

Yes, you've been pooped on, peed on, spit on...but it's LIVIE poop, pee and spit. Only a grandma would think that's wonderful! Give her a kiss from me (but don't hold her up over your head) ;)