Tuesday, December 05, 2006


some of the quilt.. so far

So, somehow I have been put in charge of making a Christmas quilt for the bishop. Have I ever made a quilt!? NO! Well, I did make a rag quilt once... but that is not the same. Anyways.. I am supposed to call the people on a list that signed up to help and give them sections to sew. So, I have called but OFCOURSE no one has answered and the one person I did get a hold of can't help. My oh my... how am I supposed to sew a whole king size quilt by myself in one week!? These people better call me back!! I just won't do it myself, unless I get full credit that I did it myself! I will presonally wrap it and give it to Bishop saying "To:Bishop Love: Sarah, quilt signed by ward members that didn't help sew" Just Kidding... It is kinda frustrating though. Luckily we are meeting together to tie the quilt, and I will make sure I am not the one finishing it. So far, I've sewn about a quarter of it...


nettie said...

ugh Sarah...don't do it all. A king size quilt is HUGE! It will ruin you for life, you will never want to quilt again.

Being that you live in Utah, I am guessing that most of your ward members live close (probably within walking distance), if I were you I would hand-deliver everyone's sections to them, rather than do it all myself...but that's just me.

Good luck!

Karen K. said...

Ditto (see previous comment). You're young. Learn to delegate now! Love ya...Ma

Kristen P. said...

King size quilt? For the Bishop? Umm...I don't think so. I made a queen size quilt for a Laurel project(only the top), and I never want to quilt again. So, ditto to the two prior comments. This should not be a one woman project!