Thursday, October 27, 2011

Emma 8 weeks

it is the weirdest thing- I can not get this picture to upload turned the right way. I have no idea why!

I have done the baby wise sleep training for a little over a week now. Emma is sleeping 7-8 hours for 3 nights in a row! (knock on wood) I have never had a baby sleep so long, so soon. It is amazing. And I have never once had to let her "cry it out" like I did with Liv and Claire for SOOO many long depressing nights. So, lets hope it continues!


Ma said...

She's so cute! She reminds of Ginger. I'm glad she's sleeping. Yahoo!!!!!!!!

Lanette said...

She is so darling! And nice work on the sleep schedule! We're trying to get something figured out for Iris, but I just feel so clueless. Maybe we'll try babywise out too...


So at what age can you start letting them sleep that long without eating? Can't wait to mark my calendar! AHhhhhhhh so sleep deprived!