Saturday, October 22, 2011


This picture just seems to sum up childhood to me. I love that Liv is wearing an outfit that doesn't really go- a tutu over the top of her pants. I love that they both have crazy messy hair and don't care who sees it that way. I love the chocolate ice cream all over Claires face and clothes. All she cares is that she got to gobble up some delicious ice cream! She doesn't care one bit that she is a mess! And I love that they are sprawled out on the bed after falling asleep to "phineas and pherb" on a Saturday afternoon all pooped out! It is just so cute and innocent. Childhood goes too fast, and I feel like in some ways I get to re-live it with my girls again. I love it!


Dawn said...

Yep, that pretty much sums it up! I love it!

Karen K. said...

I wish I was like that--didn't care what I looked like. I hate to take a nap if I have to see people afterward. I know my hair is going to be sticking out all awkward! They certainly are sweet and innocent--especially when asleep!

Francisco J. Darquea said...

So sweet.