Friday, November 04, 2011

Happy Halloween 2011

We had a good Halloween this year. I planned to make the girls matching witch costumes. It didn't end up working out, so we had to borrow costumes. Claire was so excited to be a witch. She still has trouble saying a lot of words, so when people would ask what they were going to be for Halloween she would yell out "WITCHES!" Execept she would leave off that W, and put in a B. ;) It was funny. She still wore her witch hat with her lady bug costume half the time! Funny girl.
Olivia was Snow White when she went to her school party, and a witch for the rest of the time. I was a mime, Claire was a lady bug and Emma was a giraffe.


Karen K. said...

I love Olivia as a blonde Snow White. Her hairstyle is perfect! As a witch she is awesome. Love her green face! The pic of her in the chair is awesome. Really, she is one of the best five-year-old witches I've ever seen (c'mon, I've seen a lot come to our door). You are a beautiful mime. Claire looks so sweet and kind of timid in her ladybug costume. Did she like it? Emma looks like she plain doesn't care. I'm not so sure what to say about Brett's costume. ;) Thanks for the pics. Do you have any pics of Claire in her witch/bug costume?

Dawn said...

Ha ha ha!! You got to love the mis-pronunciations of children :-) ALL of your outfits are adorable!! A mime was a great idea. I think I will try and get Lex to be one next year. Think of the peace and quiet.......

Sblogger said...

Cute Sarah! I love the comment about what Claire would say about what you were being for Halloween. Did Brett agree? ;) J/K of course! :)