Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A note to first time Moms

Emmas favorite way to sleep.. in my arms with her little fist up by her mouth.

Now that I am on my 3rd baby, I am realizing how badly I messed up with my first. Yes, it is true, the first is the guinea pig. Poor Liv. Breast feeding was a failure, and sleeping though the night was a big time failure. As I look back, I think about the only thing I really did right was love her, which is most important, so I will take that as a success!
I am currently reading "Baby Wise" which I've never actually read before, and I think has some very good points. Things I wish I knew before I was on my 3rd child. It could have saved me from a lot of stress and fatigue, which would have made me a happier, better mother. So- my advice to first time moms, and ANY moms that are having trouble, my advice is: Get help, and seek answers. In the hospital talk to the lactation specialists, talk to more then 1 if possible. I had no idea that there was SO much to learn about breast feeding. There are LOTS of tips and tricks that are beyond the basic. There are solutions to most problems, and most likely you can succeed at breast feeding if you get the right help. You can also call the le leche league, and they offer free help to anyone who wants it. If you think like I did " things are fine, I don't need help" you are probably wrong. Get it anyway, and you may be surprised at how much you don't know. I also think it is important to seek advice from different lactation specialists and books, because some times their advice is an opinion, and not always correct. Look at all the information, and then decide what is best for you.
The same advice goes for sleep training. I wish I had read this book BEFORE the baby was born, but oh-well. Read books, and talk with parents who have babies that sleep through the night to find out what they are doing. There is lots to be learned. I am STILL learning it. Maybe I will get it right this time! I have my doubts though... So, that is my advice. Learn, and learn it before the baby comes (as much as you can anyway) and you will be so happy you did.
I am starting "sleep training" today. Maybe Emma will be my first baby to actually successfully sleep through the night early, and actually continue through teething and sickness, and travel. Ha... wouldn't that be nice!? So, that picture will be the last of its kind. No more sleeping in mamas arms sweet Emma. It is a little sad for both of us. It is just so sweet and cuddly to hold a sleeping baby ;)


Karen K. said...

I agree with everything you said. :) I'm curious. If Emma falls asleep while you're holding her do you put her down right away or what do you do? Or, do you jiggle her around and say "No sleep now baby!" hahaha you can tell I'm clueless! Good luck. I wish that picture was me holding her. I miss that sweet little bundle of baby-ness.

Emily D said...

Good advice! I learned way more about breastfeeding from my WIC rotation AFTER I finished breastfeeding Luke. There is so much to learn! Hopefully it will be easier with this one. I will still talk to the lactation consultant in the hospital too.

With sleep training, I'm not sure what we did right, but I consider Luke a sleeping success. He started sleeping in his crib at 2 months. I did let him fall asleep in my arms for the first year, but would put him down once he was asleep (Not EVERY time though!)and sometimes, if he didn't fall asleep during nursing, he still went down to bed as planned and sometimes wouldn't even cry! I think Luke was just easy though. I don't think it was my ingenious parenting that made him sleep so well through the night!
Good luck and wish me luck!

Dave & Melissa said...

Very good advice! I love the baby wise books. I did really good with my first 3 but somehow on #4 it didn't work. More likely I wasn't as consistent. Good luck!


oh deary, I haven't read ANYTHING about the living child! Just the pregnancy child! So I will be at a complete loss! I've heard about baby wise from my family, and I can't remember if they hated it or loved it. There were specific books they loved and hated- and I remember that title, just can't remember if it was one they liked or didn't- and i remember 2 of my sisters disagreed. One loved it one hated it. I'll have to ask. Breast feeding.... oh yowsa.... I'm nervous. One good thing is my visting teacher is a post partum something? nurse? ha- so she teaches people how to nurse- so I'll be able to use her alot. But yeah- everything else I have no idea- I haven't been reading anything. That's great you are learning so much and so humble about it. Usually you find prideful moms who say "MY WAY is the best!" you're really humble, so you probably knwo ALOT more than the average mommy! Cause you're willing to actually learn! love you! good luck with the new sleepign schedule.

Alisha said...

great advice. baby wise worked for my first two and i LOVED it. it was very difficult in the begining bc i love cuddling those sweet little babes but a sleep schedule is worth it!!
that being said i don't know if it would work for every child.
good luck and don't give up!

Alisha said...

oh i forgot to add: tight swaddling and bummpering with a blanket on either side of the baby helped. i think it made her feel a little more secure as-if she was being held.
also, don't torture yourself and listen to her cry. go somewhere else where you can't hear her, then come check if you have to later.


Hey Sarah, so right now I am having sleepless nights. Maddie turns 6 weeks tomorrow. When did you start letting your girls cry it out? and for how long? Did you pick them up to sooth them? or did you just sooth them from their crib? SO far we have had her sleep in a swing. Right now we are transitioning to her crib. She has her nights and days mixed up. Wants to sleep all day, wide awake at night- it SUCKS. My sisters HATE baby wise so I'm weary of it. But it sounds like you really like it. Just wanted to hear your success and failures regarding sleep. Also- right now I'm practicing soothing her in her crib- but I'm not letting her cry it out yet. I don't know what's the appropriate age. My mom thinks now is fine. dr ferber says 4 months. what have you done? right now she falls asleep in my arms.