Thursday, March 25, 2010

Food Storage Update

We've been working on being prepared for anything. It is a lot of work. We now have our 72 hour kits, almost have the 72 hour food kits done (I'm still buying the rest), almost have a full years supply of wheat ( we need about 5 more buckets). My arms are sore from carrying the wheat buckets. We have a full 1 year supply of random things like salt, and powdered milk. In the next year I should be able to complete our supply and have a FULL years supply of food. We have a good solid 3 month supply, but I really want the full year.
I am excited to have finally kind of figured all this out. I have decided to stop thinking about it and worrying about tings going bad and to just DO IT!It is actually easier to just do then to think about. I am no expert and still have far to go, but I think I have a good start!
Any one know the best way to store rice and beans? Buckets? I am scared of storing beans. We really don't eat many beans, and I have never made dry beans- I've only used canned beans. Any ideas? Should I go to the Bishops store house to do the beans and rice? I just don't feel like the Costco plastic bags of rice would store very well.


Scott said...

the ten pound cans from the Bishop's storehouse are really good for that. Someone in your ward may actually be the food-storage coordinator and have a canner for doing that at home, so you can buy the bag as Costco and then can them at home. It goes really quickly.

THE SHAWS said...

can i just say how JEALOUS i am that you have a place to STORE all your food storage?! we have a tiny 500 square foot apartment that fits us fine...but not all my food storage...or at least the amount I WISH i had! I put my bead up on risers so i could put a bunch of buckets and cans down there...but honestly, I can't WAIT until we have a house! I envy you so much right now....just so you know...


that is really cool! good for you guys! I have no knowledge- BUT I DO HAVE THIS BIT OF ADVICE: I would store chocolate chips- and sugar- whatever it takes to make cookies- I know this sounds crazy- but think about it- if the time came for a true disaster, and you had to live on your own, it will be comforting to have chocolate chip cookies. I'm not trying ot be funny. I know when I'm in stressful situations, food sounds nasty to me, it really affects my stomach- so if I really had to live off of food storage I would need something comforting, and if you live off of cookies, it's better than nothing- (if you deal with the same stomach anxiety, or your children) just a thought- I know you're probably rolling your eyes at me :) but I'm serious!

Dawn said...

Just out of curiosity in addition to food storage do you include things like.....

battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries.
Flashlights, Candles, Matches, first aid kit and manual of how to treat minor injuries or deal with illness, Sanitation and hygiene items, maybe a whistle and extra clothing, manual can opener, photocopies of personal info, cash, etc?? Baby items, diapers bottles, etc. I guess I always think of water purification and having a little stove with extra fuel for cooking. Knowing my luck if there was a disaster I would be traveling somewhere and be across the state or country AWAY from all my preparation! That's great that you will have a WHOLE year's worth of food! Oh I agree with Amy about the chocolate chips, VERY IMPORTANT!!

Karen K. said...

I'm with Scott. Get the rice from Costco and can it yourself. We can rent/borrow the canner here so I would assume you should be able to do it THERE! Maybe not though. Once I went to the Bishop's Storehouse and canned their rice and it was rancid-smelling. I haven't canned rice there since. I do plan to do some of my own stuff at home. I want to get some veggie and plant seeds and can those too. I don't like to sound like a dooms-dayer but preparing is so logical. Why do we, as Americans think that life is always going to be as we know it? Anyway, good for you. And yeah, I agree with Amy--cookies are a good idea. :) Go get some chocolate chips from Costco. Survival without chocolate would be tortuous! (The preparedness site on my blog has really good recipes for using food storage.) Oh, and beans? It's easy to cook beans--you just have to soak them (overnight preferably), rinse, rinse, rinse and then cook until they're done. Easy Peasy. (You don't have to soak lentils or split peas though).)

Karen K. said...

I want a bucket opener! Where DID you get that???

Karen K. said...

Oh Dawn, you ought to see the things Tim and I have stuffed in our emergency packs: everything but the kitchen sink! Hopefully I don't have to lug it anywhere! Next on my agenda is making sure I have cash, personal information (copies of drivers licenses, insurance, birth certificate, etc.), a change of clothes and medications. Oh, and I need to get a pack for Aggie. She can carry her OWN food and water. ...and maybe some of my stuff too! She needs to earn her keep. ;) Sometimes there are just too many emergency scenarios to even contemplate. Guess I don't have to cover them all--but I'd like to!

Sarah Peterson said...

yes Dawn- that is what is in our "72 hour" kits. It is enough basic supplies to get through 3 days after a serious disaster. There is pretty much every thing you listed in our backpacks. We each have a backpack, and soon we will each have food for our 72 hour kits too. The point of having that in a back pack is so that we can take it with us where ever we need to go!

Amy- I agree chocolate is important. I will definately have the basics to make cookies- the only hard part is storing the chocolate. It will only last about 3-6 months without getting gross. I ALWAYS store boxed brownie mix and treat making stuff though! haha- I understand what you are saying. It is not a bad idea to store what you LOVE and know you will eat! ;) I did not roll my eyes! You are funny Amy. I love you!

Natalie said...

Way to go Sarah! #10 cans really are a great way to store long term. You can also store in buckets... but make sure they have oxygen packs in them and are sealed well.
I still have a long way to go. But we are working on it... that's what counts right! I totaling believe in storing what you eat... its easier to rotate that way too!

Kristen P. said...

Hopefully, there will be no disaster soon because we would die. We have nearly zero food storage and no where to put anything else. I guess we'll just come to your house.

Dawn said...

Also just a thought, in the event of an earthquake you may not want the buckets stacked that high :-)

Sarah Peterson said...

you are right Dawn, I should unstack them. If they fell they would all break open. Then there would be no point in having them. I'll go do that. Thanks ;)

jnnut said...

use airtight containers like Tupperware Modular Mate for beans & rice. Can hold up to 10# of each. They will keep a lot of things fresh. Believe it or not, one gal we know has a Modular Mate container that has a bag of marshmallow from 15 years ago and if you open it, it's still SOFT and "fresh". Can't say if it tastes good after 15 years but that's how air tight and useful they are.
Find a Tupperare consultant near you. If not, me! (with a big smile). If anything happens, (cracks or breaks) Tupperware will replace it free. LIfetime warranty & guarantee.....dig out your Mom's or Grandmothers'old Tupperware for new replacements!

April said...

Way to go!! It will sure be nice when my Brett is done with school and we have $ for food storage:) I bet it feels really good to "be prepared":) Olivia cracks me up with her imagination, what a cutie!

Lanette said...

This post and comment section is full of such good ideas. I'm trying to get our storage going, and had the same question about buying bags of stuff at Costco. Anyway, you're doing phenomenally! It's such a huge task--I never realized how big of a project emergency preparedness was.

Carina & Dan said...

buckets like you have in your picture there are the best for storing most everything. bugs can get in & stuff stays fresher. plus they don't rust like those No.10 cans do. Good job, btw. I need to get more organized with our food storage.

Carina & Dan said...

bugs *CAN'T* get in. lol, I should proof before I post :)